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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Orwellian Dining


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While out for lunch with family last week, I had the experience of eating at Old Country Buffet. You know the type of place - where you grab an empty plate and head over to any one of several troughs, er... buffets stocked with all manner of generally mediocre food. This type of restaurant is particularly good for those with kids (we had my three nieces in tow), since it gives them the opportunity to eat whatever they want. I myself loved going to The Royal Fork as a little kid for this very reason. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, fried chicken and ice cream! (We won't discuss my cholesterol level here.)



Oceania? The Village? Or just Old Country Buffet?


These types of restaurants also appeal to another demographic - overeaters. I have great sympathy for people who - for one reason or other - have completely lost control over their intake of food. Believe me, it's easy enough to do. And while I believe it's up to the individual to accept responsibility for what they eat (not the restaurants), the restaurant industry doesn't exactly go out of their way to help people make informed, healthy choices.


Anyway, while we were at this particular restaurant, I was struck by some of the signs hanging down by the buffets.


Oh, have you read George Orwell's 1984? No?


Okay, I'll wait. (Better still, you can watch the TV series The Prisoner, and that will do the trick as well.)


Done? Good.


In 1984, there is what's called the Ministry of Truth, which posts slogans meant to brainwash the public: "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery", "Ignorance is Strength".


In The Prisoner, this is expanded upon with more signs and slogans used throughout The Village, meant to indoctrinate the prisoners to a lifestyle of happy complacency: "A still tongue makes a happy life", "Questions are a burden to others, answers a prison for oneself", "Walk on the grass", and so forth. (Even though that last one seems innocuous, in its context it implies controlling Number 6's very steps, rather than giving him an option which in another context would imply freedom.)


Old Country Buffet it seems, has their own such slogans:



"Eat Dessert First" and "Come Back For More"... what will they do to me if I don't?

These two signs struck me as the most interesting. Sure, they're meant to be "cute", but having watched The Prisoner in particular, I couldn't help but think of some sinister forces behind the scenes, attempting to manipulate me. What are they after? They already have my money! Wouldn't they make more money if I didn't "Come Back For More"? Or are they suggesting that I come back yet another day since I can't possibly eat all they offer in one visit? Why should they care if I eat dessert first? What sort of evil plot is afoot? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!?



"That Looks Good"... why yes, yes it does. Hey... GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!

These signs (and several others) are posted repeatedly throughout the restaurant - relentlessly hammering away at your will. Making "suggestions" for you. Trying to "help" you decide what to eat. In the end though... is there any use fighting it? You're already inside. You've paid your money. There's no turning back now. The mashed potatoes beckon. The free soda refills sing their siren song. And in the end...


"... it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself.

He loved fried chicken."



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