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Easier 7800 S-video Mod


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Hello fellow Atarians,


Because of puppetmark's awesome thread "easier 7800 Composite

video mod", I'm now a new member to this forum. With that being said,

I'd like to get anyone's thoughts on an "easier 7800 S-video mod"?


Looking at the Saundby.com S-video mod it seems to me that this mod

could be simplified a lot if the RF module is disconnected. This person

chose to leave the RF module connected, which did not give him much

signal strength to work with. This problem forced him to build a new

resister ladder and amplification, See:"Why do all this at all"


I know, you've all seen this before, but my goal is to do a S-video mod

that is effective, neat, and clean. Removing the RF module to utilize that

space for added circuitry if needed, and also finish the mod off with a

nice PCB mounted S-video connector where the RF hole is. But, I need

help with circuit modding and or adding. Looking at the "easier 7800

Composite video mod", I'd say we're ½ way if not ¾ of the way there.

IIRC, the difference between Composite Video and S-Video is the total

isolation of chroma, C ground, Luma, Y ground, right?


Would anyone be willing to daft me up a schematic reflecting the changes

needed, and I'll do all the grunt work. You can have all the credit for the

new thread, I just want a clean looking S-video mod with no holes drill in

the case. I'm great at troubleshooting / repair, just weak on circuit design.


What do you all think?






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Oh now come on, it's not that hard to unsolder the module and solder it back in if you don't like your mod job.

Well, unless your a complete hack. A 60w iron, some solder braid, and patiences is all you need.

Edited by Zeus1
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