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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - Church And Gaming With Pastor Pete


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This week I felt like getting some wholesome family friendly games. You know, stuff the whole family could play. So when deciding where to look, it occured to me that theres no better place to look than a flea market.....a church flea market. Does it get more family friendly than that? Well, I'm an atheist so I really wouldn't know. But there was a nearby church that had a flea market advertised in the local pennysaver so I decided to jaunt down there. Upon arrival, I saw alot of common but worthless titles. Don't get me wrong, Sonic 2 and SMB 2 are great games, but they aren't exactly rare. And I have a wife, girlfriend, mistress, and 14.2 kids to feed so I needed something with alittle more value proposition. And thats when I came across Pastor Pete's table.




Pastor Pete was a young soft spoken gentleman that I desperately wanted to call Paste Pot Pete(of Spider-Man fame) but I figured that would be disrespectful so I kept that to myself. Along with little trinkets and toys, he had a basket of games that I searched thru. He had a few decent Nes, Snes and Genesis games marked at $1.00 so I snatched those up. Then I noticed that behind him on the floor was a box marked "adult". I normally wouldn't have even cared about a pastor's porn stash but sticking out of it was what appeared to be a Famicom vhs style import game. I asked about the box and he cautiously put it on the table behind his other stuff. I suppose that was a hint that he didn't want other patrons to see it but at this point in time I was the only one at his table. As I searched thru the mature(none were really adult) titles I noticed that they were all imports. I inquired where he got them from and he told me that they were acquired over the years as part of his gaming collection that he had to recently give up for his newly chosen profession. As weird as it was to imagine a pastor or priest playing games online, I could totally see him owning someone in Doom.




I asked how much for the entire box of mature games and he gave me a baffled look. I told him I was a game collector and wanted to add this stuff to my collection. He then warned me to be careful because adult games can lead down the path of damnation. I then informed him that damnation was a place called Roanoke Virginia, and although very disorientating, you can eventually find your way back home. His smirk assured me that he trusted that I wasn't going to suddenly become blinded with lust over pixelated boobies......whatever that means. Although I thought it strange to find so many imports at a church flea market, I thought it stranger that a pastor would be the one selling them as opposed to all the other vendors there. But after I took them off his hands we began talking about gaming in general and he told me about his hardcore gaming days from the early 90's until a fews years before he started training to be a pastor. I thought this was such an uncanny occurance , as a man of the cloth and a man of the controller were comparing gaming stories. Plus, that sounds much more interesting than saying I bought them from an online dealer.






Yes bitches, I'm back. It's been awhile but your boy has been hella busy with work, selling stuff, leisure activities and some weird thing that people like to call a "social life". I'm going to be selling most of the stuff from this entry once I sort it out. It will go up on either my sellers thread(on DP) or ebay. I also pretty much finished up my Xbox demo collection but I'll have more on that next time. Speaking of which, I'm not making any promises as to how often I'll be updating this blog again. Just cross your fingers and pray to me.



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