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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Reply to the I need E.T. carts thread


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Went to post a reply, but the following thread got locked before I could finish:




Here's my reply for anyone who might still have some popcorn left:



Try hassling the people that are going off topic, and hassling me for having a differing opinion.

You made it part of the topic. You said "Why E.T.? Because it sucks and no one likes it, so they might as well get destroyed." You see, "E.T. sucks" is an opinion, but "no one likes it" isn't opinion. It's just ignorant B.S.



I'm not the only one being an asshole.

You started the thread being a huge one and continued to be one. No one else got as nasty as you.



So go ahead and lock this thread, I'll start a new one and never mention E.T. ever again, that way I'll never have to hear another insipid comment from another knuckle dragging troglodyte fanboy about a game, one that they like only because everyone else hates it, ever again.



If you were smart, you wouldn't have mentioned any game at all and just said you needed old carts of any kind instead of making your own insipid comments. It's funny that you're calling other people here knuckle dragging troglodytes because a lot of people who hate E.T. are knuckle dragging troglodytes who can't keep from falling into the wells and can't get back out again. :lol:



Random Terrain




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