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PS3 Slim or Fat?


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The 80gb 'Fat' PS3 is a well tested chunk of technology. It doesn't overheat, it doesn't spin the fan until it's really loud, and it doesn't seem to throw lasers as bad as earlier ps3's. There's nothing to indicate that the slim will have any problems, but there's also nothing (outside of added experience) to indicate that it won't have trouble. In case it's news, some of the early ps3's did have problems, but it was really overshadowed by 360's red ring. Also if a Linux install is at all on your radar, or you think it might ever be, the slim doesn't seem to be for you.


That said, if I had ps3 to do over again, I think I'd take my chances with the slim. It's sleek, new, and the stock hard disk is 50% larger (so you'll go 50% longer before you'll want a bigger one). In a current-gen situation, you don't really want to be buying a really nice horsecart when there are perfectly good automobiles on the lot for the same price.

Edited by Reaperman
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I don't care about the hdd you can always upgrade it but really I don't think theres much of a difference?I mean the only difference would be that the design is slightly different? :?



No, wasn't talking about the hdd with my analogy ;). My PS3 has a 500GB inside it. Honestly, you'll want to upgrade it no matter what PS3 you buy.


I mean that the PS3 fat is actually a lot more luxurious. Depending on what model, you could have sd card support, or at the very least the nicer heat sensitive buttons on the console, and a much more aesthetically pleasing exterior design.


I have a white PS3 that was originally a 40 gig, and I love it. It looks and feels high quality (expensive). The Slim, which is a GREAT marketing bit by Sony that will help them immensely, still just seems like a PS2... it looks cheap. It's the same feeling that I had with my 360. The Wii even felt better built just because of the nice paint job.


Anywho, I could go on. Either one you get, you'll have a fantastic gaming rig, which is all that matters. Do you want it vertical? If so, you need another 25 bucks for a stand for the Slim. I think the systems look better vertical, so if I ever got a Slim I'd need that stand. But anyway, I prefer the look of the fat. You'll be able to get a fat in a couple weeks for even cheaper than it is now I'm sure, or at the very least, retailers will be backing them in with extra games and goodies to get them off the shelf. I'd snag one then.

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I hear the Slim doesn't have a swapable HDD, but may have heard wrong.


One thing I want to know, is the slim also vacuum loading? I have had experience with such devices before, and really hate them (as they're nothing but scratch magnets, and more parts to break) It looks like it still is vacuum loading, but I can't tell, and nothing I've read says one way or the other.


And another thing, I hear I can put Lynux on the fat PS3....is there somewhere I could get the PS2 emulator? I don't guess it's really to important, but as Walmart has just dropped the price of the Fat, I was wondering if there's a real reason to get it, or if I should just wait and get the slim.


Actually, some good points about the proven tech behind the latest fats..where the slims could have problems, but eh...I don't know.

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The slim is the just the cheaper parts/slimmer model that console life spans usually get these days. While it does the same job, it doesn't have a power switch or the nice, touch sensitive standby and eject buttons. Given that the 80Gb PS3s are going to be sold of at the same price as the new ones, I'd definitely get the 80Gb. While you get less HD space, both models have insufficient space for a decent game library and notebook HDs are V cheap. I got 320Gb in mine and it cost peanuts.


While the new one is supposed to be more power efficient (apart from having no power button!), I've never seen a problem with the old model. Mine runs very quietly and stays nice and cool.

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On second thought i think i want to stick to the fat. It has the possibility to install linux. If you ever want to emulate old consoles on the ps3 you have to instal linux. A bigger drive is something that can be installed later easy enough. Adding linux support later will be impossible or at least very difficult.

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I saw the slim at best buy yesterday. It was.........tempting. :P

The box was friggin' small.


I'm still not getting one for a long while.


Anyone have two PS3's? DaytonaUSA?


Just wondering how the licensing works. Downloads probably only work for one system like the the 360 right?

I figure an error like "this game is registered to another system" would appear.


Gone are the days of having mulitple systems in the house with ONE game.


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Ask yourself: "Do I really want to run Linux on a PS3? Ever?" If your answer is no, just get the slim. Less space, less power use, less heat, and presumably more reliability. (we'll see about that last one, but I'm guessing it'll prove true)


If you're still on the line about Linux, remember that I've heard it's a pain to switch back and forth. Whatever you last booted as, it's going to keep booting as, until you go out of your way to change it. If you're not going to run Linux full-time, what's the point anyhow? And even if you are, just get a real computer. As a computer, the PS3 is gimped. The video chip is gimped, the Cell is gimped, and even the HD is sort of gimped because of your partitioning options. If you really want to tinker with "high performance computing" stuff, go play with CUDA instead of Cell. If you just want to play emulators, get a PC (or even a chipped Xbox 1).

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Just wondering how the licensing works. Downloads probably only work for one system like the the 360 right?

I figure an error like "this game is registered to another system" would appear.


Gone are the days of having mulitple systems in the house with ONE game.


not really. for downloadable titles you can download them a to different ps3's a generous number of times (5 rings a bell) before you have to buy another copy. Actually with my ps3 was a bluray that (among other things) described the process of "game sharing" where you would go to a friend's house, log on to the PS store as yourself and download to his ps3 the games you've bought for your system for him to enjoy with or without you.

It doesn't get more generous than that.


sadly I don't know anybody around me with a ps3. Hopefully that will change soon.

game sharing is just one of the really nice ideas put into ps3, that other consoles just don't do. Find friends, go 'halfsies' on some online titles and you've got instant buddies to play against. The more people that start picking up ps3, the more these really nice ideas will come to light (like usb devices, import games, swappable drives, etc)


edit: here's the official word on game sharing



I purchased some downloadable game content on the PLAYSTATION®Network. Part of the product description says the content can be used or downloaded on up to five (5) activated PLAYSTATION®3 system units. What does that mean?



This means that the content that you purchased may be used by other users on an activated PLAYSTATION®3 system unit after you downloaded the content onto your PLAYSTATION®3 system unit. Some content may require the user to have a PLAYSTATION®Network account, and other content may require you to have additional game content that may be sold separately. For example, you may need to purchase a full game in order to use the character that you purchased on the PLAYSTATION®Network for the game. Please review the use restrictions associated with the content you purchased. The content may be played up on to 5 activated PLAYSTATION®3 system units at any one time. PLAYSTATION®3 system units may be deactivated so that you can change which PLAYSTATION®3 system units are activated at any time.

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That is good news. I pre ordered a slim PS3 and was wondering if I could play my PSN games on multiple PS3s. Sounds like the best system for sharing purchased games between multiple systems yet.


I stopped buying Wii downloadable games once I figured out I could not play my games on both of my Wii systems.


Downloadable 360 games can be played on multiple 360s but only if the original purchaser's gamertag is signed in to whatever 360 the game is being played on. For that reason I keep my gamer tag on a memory card and move it between my 360s.

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That is good news. I pre ordered a slim PS3 and was wondering if I could play my PSN games on multiple PS3s. Sounds like the best system for sharing purchased games between multiple systems yet.


I stopped buying Wii downloadable games once I figured out I could not play my games on both of my Wii systems.


Downloadable 360 games can be played on multiple 360s but only if the original purchaser's gamertag is signed in to whatever 360 the game is being played on. For that reason I keep my gamer tag on a memory card and move it between my 360s.



Thats cool too but I dont think you cant play them offline. :(


I wish they would at least let you register one more system.

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I saw the slim at best buy yesterday. It was.........tempting. :P

The box was friggin' small.


I'm still not getting one for a long while.


Anyone have two PS3's? DaytonaUSA?


Just wondering how the licensing works. Downloads probably only work for one system like the the 360 right?

I figure an error like "this game is registered to another system" would appear.


Gone are the days of having mulitple systems in the house with ONE game.



I have two PS3's... a 60gb launch unit which is in my game room and is *MY* baby, and a Metal Gear Solid Gun Metal Grey 40gb unit in the living room for movies on the big screen and for the wife-unit's Flower, Zuma, and PJ Eden addictions.


And you can download a PSN game up to 5 times on ANY console you are signed into. So there are two copies of every PSN game I or my wife have bought..... one for each PS3.. in our house.



Edited by Mendon
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I have two PS3's... a 60gb launch unit which is in my game room and is *MY* baby, and a Metal Gear Solid Gun Metal Grey 40gb unit in the living room for movies on the big screen and for the wife-unit's Flower, Zuma, and PJ Eden addictions.


And you can download a PSN game up to 5 times on ANY console you are signed into. So there are two copies of every PSN game I or my wife have bought..... one for each PS3.. in our house.





Like I said........thats fantastic.


Maybe I wont wait that long to get a slim.

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