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FS: Pro Sound & Bright Lit Screen Mod Gameboy w/ Flash Cart for LSDJ

Mark Wolfe

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I don't mean to be jr. modding, and I think you're a cool guy, but can you please post your auctions in the auction forum? I don't think I'm alone in being annoyed when I click on an "FS" thread in the marketplace forum only to be greeted by an eBay link. Your modded Game Boys are awesome, but if you are going to auction them off instead of just selling them, then this is not the right forum.





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The reason I do not post in the auction forum anymore is because no one looks at it. the replies from a link posted in the marketplace out number posts in the auction forum by at least 45%.


Why can't we just put a code in the title that signifies if it is an auction?


why are people so hateful if something for sale happens to be in an auction? it makes no sense to me and I also have noticed a bias for things posted on CTCW rather than ebay, which isn't fair.


ebay is a fact of life. if you don't like it, don't use it but you don't have to make people in to second class citizens for using it... I feel like a smoker must feel without all the second hand smoke.


the other thing to consider is, you can get many of us AA people to cancel an ebay or CTCW auction in a heartbeat if you make a fair offer or meet the stated price, so what is the big deal?


perhaps the idea of an "auction" forum which gets significantly less traffic should be reevaluated.


you may as well just lock this because it is far off topic now .

Edited by Mark_Wolfe
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The reason I do not post in the auction forum anymore is because no one looks at it. the replies from a link posted in the marketplace out number posts in the auction forum by at least 45%.


That's because people prefer straight sales to eBay auctions. Why don't you try selling your stuff here BEFORE posting it on fleabay?


Why can't we just put a code in the title that signifies if it is an auction?


You can. Put "FA:" instead of "FS:"


why are people so hateful if something for sale happens to be in an auction? it makes no sense to me and I also have noticed a bias for things posted on CTCW rather than ebay, which isn't fair.


Because when people see something "For sale" they want to be able to buy it, not add it to a watch list so that they can get into a snipe war over it later. And the preference for CTCW isn't unfair. eBay has been getting progressively worse over the years, and people are looking for an alternative.


ebay is a fact of life. if you don't like it, don't use it but you don't have to make people in to second class citizens for using it... I feel like a smoker must feel without all the second hand smoke.


Frankly, I think it's nice that AA has a dedicated forum where people can promote their auctions. eBay has its own system of item promotion. Stuff listed for sale on AA is listed here because it is on sale HERE. eBay is a fact of life, but that doesn't mean that Albert has to allow everyone who wants to do so to fill the marketplace forum with their spammy eBay links.


the other thing to consider is, you can get many of us AA people to cancel an ebay or CTCW auction in a heartbeat if you make a fair offer or meet the stated price, so what is the big deal?


If that's the case, then why not try to sell it here before costing yourself the listing fees on eBay?


perhaps the idea of an "auction" forum which gets significantly less traffic should be reevaluated.


I disagree, as do I think most people who don't use AA to promote their auctions. The marketplace is here so that AA members can buy and sell things from each other and in my opinion eBay links have no place here. Hence the separate forum. People don't look as much in that forum because if they are looking for something for sale on eBay, they can just go to eBay and use their "Search" function. The only reason to post an eBay link here is to drive up the price of your item by increasing the number of interested parties. So what's in it for us?


Like I said before, you seem like a cool guy and your modded GBCs are awesome, but you aren't doing yourself any favors by complaining about this issue because you aren't going to find many people who are going to agree with you.



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Dude those mods are a mess now that I see nice clear pics. The mods look like hell and the gameboy's are also super dirty and beat up. I mean WTF is that orange crust on it? The visable hot glue mess and the crap cut jobs into the shells of the gameboy's are why your not getting traffic\sales to your auction and postings about them. You need to up your craftmanship and quality control about 500 percent before your gonna get the results your looking for. Sorry if this seems harsh but it's very true.

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