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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - (Insert stupid Blog software here)


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Well after the big transition over to Invision POWER!!!'s latest blog software, I think I've finally gone through and fixed all of the formatting and dates in my blog that got barfed on. A huge thanks to Albert for his help, and all of his hard work in dealing with all of the other problems that happened throughout the forums. If you happen to see anything else in my blog that still needs fixing, please let me know (note: bad writing, atrocious grammar and stupid ideas don't count as things that need to be "fixed" ;) ).


The amount of work Albert's putting into making the forums throughout AtariAge look right is pretty staggering (and I suspect we're only hearing about a fraction of it). The forums are looking pretty great now, and some of the new features are pretty nice (like the new attachment uploader). What perplexes me are features that, for no good reason, Invision POWER!!! chose to remove. Some major functionality was stripped out of the blogs - especially in regards to how they're displayed in the main index. It doesn't allow sorting of the blogs by clicking on column headers, nor does it include all the stats about each blog that it used to, and you can no longer jump to the latest comments from the main index. And don't get me started on the whole idiotic "tag cloud" fiasco, where the nice, neat categories used to be. The only upside to tags is being able to assign multiple categories tags to a given entry. The problem though (besides the complete unreadability of the tag clouds) is there's no menu from which to select existing categories tags, so you have to be sure you type a tag correctly, or you could end up with a bunch of almost-the-same categories tags.


(Edit: Albert has since changed the tag cloud so it displays like the old categories did, plus he added the number of posts after each category, too. Cool! :thumbsup: )


The amusing part of this whole mess, is that Invision POWER!!!'s webpage states in big letters: "We make communities easy." :roll:



(And just for fun, since date-editing is enabled, I was going to try and post this entry into... THE FUTURE! But it wouldn't let me. Spoil-sports. ;) )



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