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atari2600land's Blog - I'm frustrated with life


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Let me say this: I'd rather play with a piece of dog poop than play Porky's for the 2600 again. At least a piece of dog poop you can do stuff with. Porky's is less responsive. In the shower screen, I press the joystick up at the side of the ladders and the idiot just stands there. Naturally the whitest person on the planet catches me and sends me down into the sewers. It's another classic case of "Man, I wish I was a game tester!" How this game got through playtesting is beyond me. Unfortunately, they don't let babies go playtesting games (I was less than a year old when the game came out.) It's like this: Running a marathon is easier than this game. That's how difficult Porky's is. If you know me, I'm a fat lazy slob who spends all day at his computer. And I bet I could complete a marathon and still not be able to beat this stupid thing. I've never watched the movie the game is based on, and if the game is any indication, I don't think I'd want to see the movie. I'm not going to give FOX money from buying Porky's on DVD just because of this game. As you can probably tell, I'm in a pretty bad, angry mood. My dog's health has been going downhill and I think it's time for mom to take him to the vet to get him put to sleep, but she won't do it. He stumbles all around and can barely walk, all the while mom is giving him a "chance to get better." It's not that I want my dog to die, I just don't want him to suffer any more. I've suffered for 26 years now and let me tell you it's not fun. It may not be physical pain (sometimes it is), but emotional pain takes a toll on you and causes you to think about comitting suicide. I'm sorry if I brought your feelings down along with mine, but that's just the way my life is most of the time. I'm just frustrated with life now, that's all.http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?app=blog&blogid=168&showentry=6399

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