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LOL! Another $2000 collection


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Usually when I see these kind of idiotic auctions I just roll my eyes, and im not one to usually be mean, but being an avid Intv collector.. I had to send him a message:


"Haha, these are so scarce that I have four master components (1 system I, 2 system II's, and one system III) TWO boxed computer modules ($25 each) a boxed synth ($25) and TWO boxed system changers ($50 each)


I am sorry to be the barer of bad news, but your collection here is only worth between $125 to $200, and you would be lucky to get that.


Also, the Synthensizer and ECS were sold at Toys R Us, Wolworth, and Sears between 83-86' going from around $50 to $24 each (the price stickers are still on my boxes)

Also, it has not been 30-40 years since you have used these.. the first Intv was released tail end of 79', and these components were released end of 83'.


But hey, if you happen to get anywere near what you asking, let me know, because that would mean my collection is worth $6000.


Get some facts straight @



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