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Atari systems at Anime Fest 2009 Dallas


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I approached the game arcade over at Anime Fest 2009 about featuingsome Atari systems at the Anime Fest 2009, and they not only liked it,they made me one of the arcade staff!! Come by and play some2600/7800 & Jaguar games!!




All this weekend and clear to Monday!

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Yeh the arcade was a lot of fun. It was funny how it all started. Walked in, asked if I could set up some games of retro systems for like the Jaguar and Dreamcast, and 7800. They loved it.


Asked if I needed a badge (pay for admission) And he said "Sure, we'll get you a badge.) So basically I got free admission ($45 value) free.


I did work a lot of hours in the arcade, but that was my focus this time around anyway. It was a lot of fun.


Had little kids running up play Raiden, would play it for hours till their mom had to come get them and drag them away.


People seeing a Jaguar for the first time and going "Wow... didn't know about that system.


People amazed that the Jaguar could actually network to play Doom.


Sure it sat there for some times in between the PS3 and XBOX 360... but people did stop to try it out.


And THAT is what this is all about. Like all game systems, just showing what the Jaguar, Lynx, and 7800 can do.


People also stopped to play Stun runner and Rampage on my laptop running handy for hours playing those Lynx games.


People loving the 7800 that was set up.


When I was there I could load any game they wanted. When I was gone, I left commons behind for people to play. All came home with me (none was stolen.)


Just got back and unpacking tonight.

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That's awesome.


Yeah, I had a similar experience with NWCGE. Showed up with a friend and offered to help, and now, a few years later, I help put on the Portland Retrogaming Expo, which has gotten *huge*.


It's really fun to share something you love with others, and spark the same interest in them.

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