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Not that I am aware of. It has never appeared on any release lists (public or internal) and since the Atari 7800 was just starting to have games coded for it in May-June of 84' right before Atari was sold to the Tramiels, and then once the Tramiels owned Atari they did not want to pay a licensing fee for the Last Starfighter usage. It would be unlikely that the game would've ever have been considered to be coded on the Atari 7800.


When the Tramiels did take over Atari, the Last Starfighter was developed for the Atari 5200 and Atari 800 computers, the game was slightly altered in the names of planets and systems and the title was changed to Star Raiders II. An Atari 2600 title was written as well.





Just wondering, if Atari made The Last Starfighter for the 5200 and 8-bit computers, was there ever a 7800 version planned or in the works?

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Well, there is an issue with that -


Star Raiders would require a keypad to control sheilds, computer, galactic map, long/short range, rear view and such...


So a package just like Atari 2600 Star Raiders would've needed to be done and I doubt the Tramiels would've wanted to "risk" the costly investment in inventorying such a higher-priced game package.


You are right though, Star Raiders on the 7800 would've been FANTASTIC!!!!!!







I am still shocked that Atari never converted Star Raiders 2 to the 7800, they missed a trick there.

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My late wife bought me that hat at Oktoberfest in Munich Germany back in 2005. I have a picture of a Scottsman trying to get a drink out of it. It's a keg with a wooden tap on the front.


Nah -- whats awesome is that funky hat in your avatar! ;-)






Iggy*SJB' date='Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:47 PM' timestamp='1253234836' post='1841034']

Curt, you are pure awesomeness!!!


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