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atari lynx games start........but not finished.


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I know sometimes people get busy. Im not talking about those people. If I took the time to make a game and i was half way done with. Id finish it!! Or at least finish it within 3 years. There's nothing better then watching someone play a game you made. Some of my friend's were inpressed when i made the screen say "you suck!!" (My frist project). The best way to keep the lynx alive is to make new games. Ever try and play basketball by yourself? A hand full people doing all the new games is just as hard. If you have a new game thats cool. Finish it!!! Youll be my hero if you do.(group hug)

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It's not easy finish projects once you start them. Don't really know why. I have two projects sitting around, one since 1998 and the other since 2001. Most of my friends wonder why I even bother keeping them. They've survived mutliple hard drive crashes, OS changes, etc. And yet, I always manage to salvage them and even get a chance to work on them once in a while.


I do want to finish them, but there's always something stopping me.




Oh well... that's life. For every completed project that we see, there must be at least twenty others buried on floppies, HDD's, and CD-R's around the world.

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Many hobbyists have other pressing responsibilities, like two jobs, or a family, or rental properties they manage, or their health, etc.


My free time has been drastically reduced over the last three years with two small boys born into our family. Wouldn't have it any other way, though, they're the greatest! :D


That's why half-finished games like Ultravore aren't completed yet, and why I'm hesitant to start yet another project from scratch -- I know in many cases it's a 12+ month commitment to develop an entire game. It's very tough to make that kind of commitment any more...


And from a game development perspective, sometimes it is hard to know when to quit... you can always think of one more twist, powerup, level, etc. that you can squeeze into the game with just a few more hours/days/weeks of effort. Case in point, when I finished Ponx and had sent the binary to get burned onto EPRPOMs by another guy, a day later I thought of one more cheat I could throw in easily. By the time I sent the new binary over, he had already burned dozens of OTPROMs so I ended up eating several hundred dollars of cost in order to include the extra cheat.

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My free time has been drastically reduced over the last three years with two small boys born into our family. Wouldn't have it any other way, though, they're the greatest!


Carl's market has been shrinking for the Lynx, so he decided to take a personal interest in expanding the Lynx-gaming population. He can now do 3 player comlynx games. Clearly he will have to reproduce one more time to test out 4 player games :)


Tom <-- father of two boys myself who play comlynx games

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Championship Rally has 4-player comlynx support I think.


Yes it does.... I provided all the Lynx's and carts (I actually bought 4!) for the world's first 4 player Champ Rally game in West Allis, Wisconsin during the summer of 2001 (in July I think). The system slowed down very slightly, but not as much as California Games does during a 4 player game.


There was one point in the menu system where the graphics that show "3" or "4" for number of players are messed up, but that's it. Otherwise everything worked well... including each player having their own color car.



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