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Next game to map out?


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I'm bored again. Any recommendations for the next 7800 game to map out?


Probably either Water Ski or Tank Command.





I agree. Since I'm never going to make it past the second level in Water Ski or ever probably see a copy of Tank Command maybe I can at least see what they look like.

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I'm bored again. Any recommendations for the next 7800 game to map out?


Probably either Water Ski or Tank Command.





I agree. Since I'm never going to make it past the second level in Water Ski or ever probably see a copy of Tank Command maybe I can at least see what they look like.



Spending a bit of time playing through them to get a feel for the games first. I'll start posting maps after that as I go through them. If anyone else wants to take those maps to add strategy tips to them (like we had done for Scrapyard Dog) by all means feel free to do so.

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I will note that the programmer of Tank Command and Water ski has beaten Water Ski.

But, he always ran out of fuel to finish Tank Command.


So, we may not see the end of Tank Command unless it's a *perfect* game. It may be unbeatable.

But, the info on Water Ski is promising. I am confused though, how you plan to draw moving objects (level 2's gators)?


I've always wanted to beat Water Ski.



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I will note that the programmer of Tank Command and Water ski has beaten Water Ski.

But, he always ran out of fuel to finish Tank Command.


So, we may not see the end of Tank Command unless it's a *perfect* game. It may be unbeatable.

But, the info on Water Ski is promising. I am confused though, how you plan to draw moving objects (level 2's gators)?


I've always wanted to beat Water Ski.




I beat Tank Command using save states so it is possible, I even posted a screenshot of the end. But yes, running out of fuel is the biggest pain in the game.



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So, we may not see the end of Tank Command unless it's a *perfect* game. It may be unbeatable.

But, the info on Water Ski is promising. I am confused though, how you plan to draw moving objects (level 2's gators)?



I've yet to get that far in Water Ski. I've been spending my time half coding and half playing Tank Command/Water Ski. Tank Command more than Water Ski. I'll have to see how they move. At worse, I'll just remove them entirely and possibly stamp them in later in the general area where they appear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that Tank Command's done, I'll take a look at Water Ski and see what I can do. I'll try to have the first level map by next weekend. :)


And just so everyone knows, I suck at Water Ski.


What? Do you mean you can't hit all of the jumps on the first level??


Just kidding, I find it to be a pain to play in emulation. It works a little bit better on a real 7800. Of course, this doesn't help you map it.



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What? Do you mean you can't hit all of the jumps on the first level??



I'm lucky if I can hit one and survive the attempt. :ponder:



Anyhow, level 1 mapped. Like Tank Command, pixels will be off a bit for start and end times. Especially the start of level 1 since the first tiny little bit is already gone off the screen before I screen grab. ;) Level 1 ends as soon as the last piece of land on the map is off the screen.





Also, here's a save state for the start of level 2 for anyone else who wants to jump ahead!


I'll be estimating the length of the featureless water at the start of the level somewhat of course, but I have a feeling that the alligators that rush you are actually not moving forward, just side to side.


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