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shadow460's Blog - healing


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I wonder if my foot would heal faster with the Loritab. It is still available if I want it. I've kept it wrapped through the day, and had the wrap off two nights ago. Last night I wrapped it a little closer to my toes than normal, and it woke me up several times. I worked the wrap off little by little, and left it off for about half an hour to let things air out.


My wife is quite patient when things like this happen. As a result, when I find myself out of work, I try to do more house work than usual, and I try to make sure that the bathroom (and hot water!) is available to her in the morning before work and late at night when it's shower time.

So she says "we need to do laundry". I realize that the military seabags we use for that can hold 40 pounds of laundry each. I had one of them almost full. She also has been asking me since a couple of weeks ago to run another errand. lol, I wound up kicking the full seabag down the stairs with my good leg and dragging it roughly 100 feet to the laundry room. I stayed there a little too long, though, standing on my right leg while chatting with a neighbor. I had to sit down for a few minutes.

I swiped my wife's truck since it has an auto tranny and no clutch for that left foot to fight with. If trucks have feelings, mine is probably wondering why I don't love it anymore. I refuse to even touch the little Mazda, as there's not enough energy in either leg to kick it. And it has a clutch, too. On a side note, my Dad mentioned that he has a backhoe available to him and he's been crushing cars with it. I told him I wanted a door mat made, with four 16 inch Chevrolet rims, one at each corner, and the word "MAZDA" printed right across the middle where I wipe my feet.


OK, enough hatred for the one little Mazda truck. Want a truck? All you need is a letter and three numbers. F, one five zero. You could use a two in place of the one if you need a little bit bigger truck. That's "Lobo" to the Mexican folk, BTW. I'm sure you could use a similar combination like D one zero zero, or K two five zero zero, but I am a Ford man. :)


I am able to take semi normal steps today, albeit slowly. I wondered about that, being up off and on all night. As long as I don't try to flex my left foot, I am fine. I think it is allowing itself to flex some, though, or I may be getting used to having it wrapped up. It was quite stiff right behind my toes when I rolled out, but some of the stiffness is gone. I've been able to wear my shoe normally over the Ace wrap when I have to go somewhere.


I wonder something else. Would a metguard have prevented this injury? I've worn metguards before. They take a long time to break in, and they cause the shoe to be enormous. Shoes with metguards look, to me, about two sizes larger than they actually are. I already wear steel toes almost everywhere, so getting used to a metguard in an every day shoe would be a smooth transition. In fact, at one point my daily shoes did have metguards in them.

The incident would have probably pulled on the metguard, possibly breaking it, but it might have prevented my foot from flexing. Of course, the chance I would have fallen right then might be higher, too. I'd have probably shattered the toolbox when it hit the ground, so even if I didn't sprain a foot, I might have been injured by the plastic from the box or the tools inside.

I guess that question is academic, then. I don't know why I didn't think to just release the box. It's not like it would have smashed my toes or anything had it landed on me.


Anyway, there is a 7 Eleven about a block away. I limped there yesterday and got some soda pop. I will try to go there, against my better judgment, and get more soda after a while.


I faxed two resumes and made two calls today, all to places from the local job listings who need maintenance staff. Two are needing maintenance for larger office buildings. I have specific companies in mind that I'd like to work for, but I have not contacted them yet. I know one of them is hiring, but I do not know for what positions. If PARC Management is, in fact, hiring maintenance staff, I would like to apply for it. I should ask them.

My favorite two facility maintenance positions were in large, single structures. One was a nursing home, listed earlier in my blog, and one was a US Navy repair facility (SIMA Norfolk) where we did tons of remodeling around the turn of the century.



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