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Rev. Rob

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Shit like this is just wrong. These are the four games I need, and they're not worth near $1000 a piece. Every time I see an auction like this, it annoys me.

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This auction reminds me of the NES games I need to finish off teh NES american collection....I need Hot Slots...Peek a Boo poker...Bubble Bath Babes and the world champt cart both colors.....the auctions are insane for these....I just keep picking up doubles and boxes for the ones I already have instead of finishing it off...

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WOW... I didn't think O1 games were that expensive.



LOL, that's because they're not that expensive. That's my point. eBay is becoming filled with more and more of these kinds of sellers who way over inflate the price for R5-R7 video game items.


Just look at this guy's store.


$900 for a set of six N64s?


$1000 for ROB the Robot?


$300 for a 4 switch 2600?


$150 for Pong and other extremely common Pong clones?


I hope the fucker goes bankrupt, and everyone else who lists items as quadruple the market value.

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WOW... I didn't think O1 games were that expensive.



LOL, that's because they're not that expensive. That's my point. eBay is becoming filled with more and more of these kinds of sellers who way over inflate the price for R5-R7 video game items.


Just look at this guy's store.


$900 for a set of six N64s?


$1000 for ROB the Robot?


$300 for a 4 switch 2600?


$150 for Pong and other extremely common Pong clones?


I hope the fucker goes bankrupt, and everyone else who lists items as quadruple the market value.


I agree, this guy prices his items way to high, like I saw this http://cgi.ebay.com/ATARI-2600-HEAVY-SIX-SYSTEM-60249E-1977-8-GAME-F395023_W0QQitemZ320413856535QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item4a9a277317&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

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WOW... I didn't think O1 games were that expensive.



LOL, that's because they're not that expensive. That's my point. eBay is becoming filled with more and more of these kinds of sellers who way over inflate the price for R5-R7 video game items.


Just look at this guy's store.


$900 for a set of six N64s?


$1000 for ROB the Robot?


$300 for a 4 switch 2600?


$150 for Pong and other extremely common Pong clones?


I hope the fucker goes bankrupt, and everyone else who lists items as quadruple the market value.


I agree, this guy prices his items way to high, like I saw this http://cgi.ebay.com/ATARI-2600-HEAVY-SIX-SYSTEM-60249E-1977-8-GAME-F395023_W0QQitemZ320413856535QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item4a9a277317&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14


Jeez... $800 for a heavy sixer and some commons??


"I have been selling systems for 20 years..." I am amazed that he's ever sold a one with those prices.


I say we all win a bunch of these auctions, not pay, and leave negs. :D

Edited by Rev. Rob
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