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atari2600land's Blog - Lost and Found


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Ever since I moved, i had lost most of my GBA games from 2007. I decided to go looking for them again, this time in some new boxes. Lo and behold, there they were, all the ones I was missing. I had also been missing my copy of "Ghosts I-IV" by Nine Inch Nails. This one I really feared for because I doubt that Trent Reznor is going to make Ghosts V-VIII. Well, I had an idea of where I might find it, and lo and behold, there it was (right with my Mario Kart collection. I know that makes no sense.) I also lost the ability to use my scanner because I accidentally made it try to print something without yellow ink. What I was printing didn't have any yellow in it, but oh well. And now I can't scan anything until I get some yellow ink for it. So I thought "screw this" and I'm gonna get me a new scanner, one without printing abilities because I already have a printer. Any suggestions on what brand scanner I should get?



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