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Just got the 7800 gun


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Well I just got the Atari lightgun for my 7800. It was 20 dollars, not including shipping. I already have Alien Brigade, and that is the main reason I got the gun, in order to play Alien Brigade the right way. How many people out there have this accessory for their 7800? If you do, what light gun game would you recomend, I'm thinking of getting either Meltdown or Crossbow.

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I have one and I really like it :love:


Both Crossbow and Meltdown are superb in my opinion, I spent ages playing the latter it gets very addictive.


Barnyard Blaster isn't bad either, certainly better than Duck Hunt.


My memories of Sentinal are little more hazy I havn't fired it up in ages, might have to stick it on at Jagfest this weekend and then I can let you know!

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Just wondering,how far can you guys sit from TV before shooting accuracy starts to get off,or stops hitting targets altogether?I have to sit pretty close,not more than 4 feet away.Crack'ed is another one to get.

Edited by Rik
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Just wondering,how far can you guys sit from TV before shooting accuracy starts to get off,or stops hitting targets altogether?I have to sit pretty close,not more than 4 feet away.Crack'ed is another one to get.


Crack'ed isn't a light gun game. Sentinal is actually pretty good too I gave it a try this weekend.

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Just wondering,how far can you guys sit from TV before shooting accuracy starts to get off,or stops hitting targets altogether?I have to sit pretty close,not more than 4 feet away.Crack'ed is another one to get.


Crack'ed isn't a light gun game. Sentinal is actually pretty good too I gave it a try this weekend.

Oops,you're right,i always thought Crack'ed was a light gun game.It is however,a light gun game without light gun support afaic.

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My SMS Light Phaser shoots a little high and a tad to one side. I have to sight it in like I would a rifle so that I know how far off to shoot for the "bullet" to hit its target. This happens at any range. The furthest I've sat is about six feet from the screen.


It is possible to build a converter box for the Light Phaser. I modded mine internally, though. I had to physically open the trigger switch and move some contacts around in there. I suppose I could have installed the converter's "guts" into the gun itself and had two plugs coming from it, but I didn't.


Just wondering,how far can you guys sit from TV before shooting accuracy starts to get off,or stops hitting targets altogether?I have to sit pretty close,not more than 4 feet away.Crack'ed is another one to get.



Would a SMS light gun work on a 7800 or XL/XE?

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Well the gun arrived today and I got to play Alien Brigade the right way finally. The gun works pretty well with the game. I heard about those Best electronics guns but I'm all for original feel, that and I couldn't find the best electronics gun listed on the website so I just went with the orignal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well the gun arrived today and I got to play Alien Brigade the right way finally. The gun works pretty well with the game. I heard about those Best electronics guns but I'm all for original feel, that and I couldn't find the best electronics gun listed on the website so I just went with the orignal.


I just bought a Best Electronics gun and within less than a minute of playing with it, decided to sell my XEGS gun. While I too normally like the look and "feel" of original stuff, the XEGS is a POS comparatively and I've owned several of them throughout the years. Sight is waaaay off, making the whole point of accuracy moot. The B.E. gun is not perfect, but damn close and well within the tolerance you'd expect out of a quality home gun game experience.


Not sure how far off I am in my thinking, but I'd suspect the reason some light guns are more accurate than others is how the optical pickup is situated internally (could be off kilter) and/or how well the cheap plastic lens cap is made or aligned. Haven't had the desire to mess with one actually, but would be interesting if the Atari brand lightguns could be 'fixed'.

Edited by save2600
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Yeah, someone needs to take the Atari gun apart to try to improve it.


I modded my second SMS gun a couple weeks ago. They both are good guns, and the sites are pretty accurate. I just need to do one more adjustment to my first gun. The gun fires when I let go of the trigger. I waited until I had a second gun to try to make it fire when the trigger is pulled. I still don't know how to correctly mod it. I broke the switch open and the plastic case is being held together now with super glue, but the electronics are correct now.


Which is better, the best gun or the SMS?

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