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Planet Bob - Playing Eliminator (C64)


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Hi there!


Here comes Elminator, John Phillips next game after Nebulus:




Cooking with water only this time, he created a not so fresh mixture between Trailblazer and RoadBlasters. Flying along abstract roads and tunels, your ships task is to eliminate (Aha! :lol:) everything in your way.


Okay, it's not that easy. You have to stay on track, avoid obstacles and use ramps carefully to jump from one lane to the other. In a few spots you can even hop to the ceiling and drive there, which is pretty confusing at first.


The graphics are very fast for the C64. Not Trailblazer fast, but still fast compared to many other games showcasing this kind of 3D effect on the C64.


The music is pumping electronic/techno style, which really supports the "driving" mood.


My main gripe once again is the heavy need of memorization. Thank heavens the game does occasionally offer passwords for already beaten levels. I was of course using even more convenient save states, so I made it through all 8 tracks tonight already:




Overall it's an above average game, worth a try. It's definitely better than all other RoadBlasters type games on the C64, albeit that's not too impressive a feature, especially considering the lackluster competitors: The rushed RoadBlasters coversion itself, Overlander, Fire & Forget 2...


Some future day the "Playing..." series may see another drive and shoot game in the form of "Chase HQ", but first it'll continue with something else.



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