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atari2600land's Blog - Got a new scanner


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I got a new scanner. I had to set it up with incessant dog barking. The problem was, he went to the vet a few days ago, and the vet suggested that he get Medrol (a pain killer) every other day for some reason. Well, Mom skipped giving it to him this morning, but apparently he needs it every day because he's having trouble moving and I guess when he has trouble moving, he likes to bark and whine his head off. I don't know what's going on, he hasn't done this before. So Mom gave him a half a pill earlier this afternoon and hopefully he'll feel better. Well, anyway, back to the scanner. Apparently they don't sell stand-alone scanners at Best Buy any more. I had to get one with a printer attached, which I really didn't want to do but did anyway. Before that, me and mom picked up dad and went to the McGrath's Fish House and I had some fried catfish. To test the scanner, I scanned a cartoon I did last night. (I colored it with Photo shop.) Is it funny?





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