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Survival Island


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This game is exceptional, but I have a couple of questions.


Does anyone have a scan of the 2600 Connection issue #38 with the map of the island?


And according to Scott Stilphen (http://www.digitpress.com/eastereggs/26sur...vivalisland.htm) eating 'shrooms gives you health, but when I played it today, and ate the mushrooms it took off like 10 health points instead. Anybody else notice this?


Survival Stan :)

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I just mapped the whole damn Island and MAN IS IT FREAKIN' HUGE! Holy poop! The map will be available FOR ALL TO SEE next week on Atarinvader.com.


I discovered that some mushrooms add life (up to 30) and some take away life (up to 20), but its a crap shoot either way. In the process, I also found what may be another bug. I ate a mushroom (I think it was in the second or third slot from the bottom) and I kept pressing the button, and although the mushroom had disappeared, I kept regaining health! I was able to totally replenish my health this way. I have not been able to repeat this yet, but I am confident that it DID happen. I will continue to monitor this "bug."


Also of note: If allow to sit for to long ANY screen will turn to the rainbow screen Scott Stilphen describes on his site. The rainbow screen is like a screen saver, because all you have to do is it hit the red button to resume play!


Hopefully I will be able to compile a COMPLETE Survival Guide for this game in the coming weeks!


Stan :)

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I ate a mushroom (I think it was in the second or third slot from the bottom) and I kept pressing the button, and although the mushroom had disappeared, I kept regaining health!


It's magic! ;)


Wow, that is a much bigger map than I expected! I never got very far on the island, but Survival Island is still my favorite of the Starpath games.



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  • 2 years later...

I'm finding this game to be quite a challenge even with Stan's great map on-hand. I've noticed at least two passage ways, between "levels" on the island, that are one-way only (you can go from the "higher" level down, but not from the lower level up. And yes, I am talking about moving around on the island (load 2) and not about within the temple (load 3).

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I managed to complete the game only once, with the maps provided on the Stella Gets A New Brain CD. But it definitely wasn't easy.


I was always impressed by how huge the explorable area was on that island. The Starpath guys really knew what they were doing! I just wish more quality games like this one would have come out for the 2600, instead of garbage games like Skeet Shoot.

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Yeah, I could really use the Temple map from the Stella CD. I sent $5 to Hozer's PO Box a couple months ago hoping for the Stella CD in return, but it never arrived. Without a map, exploring the Temple is taking me quite a bit of time.


Aside from the amulet, do any of the other items aquired on the island (lantern, compass, key) play any role within the Temple?

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I just finished the game. As Stan said at the very beginning of this thread, it is exceptional. WOW! Mapping out the temple was very tough, but the ending is really cool.


It seems like the game bestows you with different names/titles depending on how well you did (i.e. same as the ending to Escape from the Mind Master). Now I'm gonna have to play multiple times to see some of the various names.


Here is my guess as to the use within the Temple for each of the items gathered on the island:

Key = allows access to the Temple

Amulet = warns you of traps

Lantern = lights your way

Compass = provides directional orientation (duh?)


I'm in love with the Starpath games! :love:

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Yeah, I could really use the Temple map from the Stella CD. I sent $5 to Hozer's PO Box a couple months ago hoping for the Stella CD in return.


Just wanted to point out that the CD and booklet did indeed arrive today. So Hozer/Randy is still opperating from the PO Box. In case anyone else wants to pick up Stella Gets A New Brain, send $5 to:


PO Box 1332

Pepperell, MA 01463

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Hey! Glad someone else loves this game too. So does the lantern light up the Temple? Its been a while and all I remember is some scant lines inside idicating walls and the like.


I still mean to map the Temple out, but I've not the time to do so now!


Good work on getting off the Island, its quite the challenge!

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Another cool option: Using the amulet while on the island (load 2) turns you invisible (except for your feet). This allows you pass by bridge guards without having to bribe them with coins. Since there are two amulets to be found on the island, you can use one for the invisble trick and still save one for use later in the temple.

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