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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Shake and Jiggle and Strobe and Wiggle


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Are you getting tired of games that shake the screen or have all kinds of epileptic seizure inducing effects, especially when it's added to classic games to keep the ADHD kiddies interested? If this crap becomes the trend for the next 10 to 20 years or more, it will be hard to find a new game that doesn't shake and jiggle and strobe and wiggle. It won't be "don't like it, don't buy it" it will be "don't like it, go F yourself because you can't buy anything else." I also don't like die and remember static action puzzle games, but they became the most common type of game and it's been hard to find anything else since the mid 1980s. I've seen most games go down a path I didn't want to follow and it seems to be happening again in a whole new way. Good luck finding new games you'll like once most game designers jump on this new bandwagon, hurtling towards gaming hell.



Random Terrain




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