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Modding a 7800


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A few days ago, I purchased an Atari 7800 from a yard sale. I figure I got a decent deal, as I got 15 7800 games and 12 2600 games with it, and it only cost me $5. At first, I couldn't get the system to work, but after a day and a half of attacking wires and swearing loudly, I found out that it was the ancient switchbox that had come with the system that needed replaced, and all is well with that.


However, while attempting to figure out if I was doing something wrong with setting up the system that it didn't work, I came across this charming site, and started looking around the forums, and somewhere along the line, I believe I saw one thread talking about modding a 7800. This leads me to ask the questions of: What kind of mods can be applied to the Atari 7800, and what do they do? Are they even useful, or better left forgotten to the casual gamer?


I apologize in advance if I'm either coming off like a rambling idiot or asking stupid questions.

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well you got a bargain IMO

The best mod that you can do to your 7800 is an s-video upgrade, get rid of that nasty rf for ever.

You can also turn it into a development system/cart dumper, and there are a few mods that can be done if you experience any incompatibility problems with some 2600 carts (this is only a problem with some 7800s)

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For the casual gamer, I recommend one of the video mods and maybe the compatibility mods. Instructions are posted in this forum for them. I'm not certain about the TigerVision mod, as some Tiger games work as is and the mod itself can be tricky. Also I recommend adding the TV Type switch if you're going to be using only your 7800 for all your 2600 games. Throw in a set of wireless joysticks with a power supply of their own, and you're probably good to go.


Here's the long list (and I've probably missed some):


There are compatibility mods you can do that involve cutting plastic around where the cartridge goes in. In one, you simply cut the sides so that it expands when Activision or Imagic carts are used, and in the other, you knock out the screw posts so that TigerVision games fit without modding the cartridges.


DevOS allows you to dump carts. It also allows you to utilize RAM carts with the system which can have games loaded into them from a PC. There are many different RAM carts you can make. I do not know if one RAM cart is capable of loading all 7800 and 2600 games, though. The Cuttle Cart II can play most of them, but it is out of production.

My personal RAM cart is limited to smaller games and it has a sound chip for games like Beef Drop and Ballblazer that need one.

Related to that is the Ramona cart, which can have games loaded to it, but requires no mods to the console. It cannot dump games, though. I believe it has the same limitations as the RAM carts do.


A TV Type switch can be added by wiring a SPST switch across the solder pads on the "Pause" control.


XBoard was a mod that added memory and a sound chip to the 7800. It's defunct, though.


There's a simple video mod posted here that requires few components. Speaking of video, you can hook your system up with a simple RCA to RF adapter. Either male or female works as long as you have the corresponding cable to go to your TV.


You can change the power jack if your wall wart breaks. On those same lines, I suppose you could build an adapter that will allow the use of the wireless joystick base with your 7800 wall wart.


Oh yea, and welcome to the forums! Nice avatar, but it needs to read:

"WARNING: Your computer is not an Atari model and it needs to be hit many times"


Edited by shadow460
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My offer still stands, anyone who wants to mod my 7800 with the 8bitDomain mod that I have had sitting for a couple of years now, name your price and I will pay shipping both ways and a little something for your trouble.


The work has to be guaranteed though or I will find you and kick you in the nuts. :D


If you want to ship it to the UK and back then I'll do it:D

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am planning to buy a 7800 system(NTSC only) and I want to modify it for RCA connection. I have a guide for this modfication on the NTSC version of 7800 and now I wonder where I can find the videomodcard that is required for RCA modification.


How much does that cost? Hav had my eyes on a couple of 7800 systems at ebay and they are in fair price but the are not modified. I only use "scart" for my videogames and dont like RF


If someone sells an modified NTSC 7800 from USA it might be interesting

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  • 2 months later...

There are compatibility mods you can do that involve cutting plastic around where the cartridge goes in. In one, you simply cut the sides so that it expands when Activision or Imagic carts are used, and in the other, you knock out the screw posts so that TigerVision games fit without modding the cartridges.


Sorry to perform thread necromancy here but I can't seem to locate any of these guides for modding the cart slot. I recently picked up a 7800 and the activision carts are fairly difficult to get in and the imagic ones are pretty much impossible. Maybe I'm just using bad search terms.

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