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atari2600land's Blog - SpongeBob madness


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I am a SpongeBob maniac collector. If it has SpongeBob on it, I'll buy it. I think the most I've ever spent on an item is for one of the DVD box sets. The least expensive item was free (SpongeBob paint swatches my sister got me from Lowe's.) I am eagerly awaiting Season 6 Volume 1, which is supposedly coming out in December. I am also fooling around with the idea of a SpongeBob SquarePants platforming game for the 2600. I probably won't get very far on it, but here's what I have so far. Fire is jump. When you're hanging, press and hold fire to go back up, and when you're up, you can press down to hang. I think my SpongeBob sprite is crappy, though. Looks like something out of Berzerk. The reset switch gets you past the title screen. I'm figuring if I get far enough, it'll be kind of like Asses of Fire, only better. I am definitely thinking Pitfall! at this point, complete with 255 screens (though it'll probably take me 32k to do it.) I don't know, I was bored and decided to show you what my idle hands do.





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