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Comparing Systems...

CV Gus

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Over the years, there have been many such topics; here, of course, it was and will likely be the CV vs. the 5200.


There is an extensive comparison over at AGH, but there is a problem with all of this: time.


Recently, newcoleco released a game called "Ghostblasters." You can see it at YouTube, but the video does not do it justice. What I am talking about is the unbelievable scrolling, in all directions, here. I actually contacted newcoleco to ask if this cartridge used added-on chips. It doesn't.


The scrolling in this game, which is multi-plane, is beyond anything which even I never thought possible. It makes almost makes Nova Blast and Matt Patrol look like Time Pilot.



So- what does this mean?


You clearly cannot ever compare two systems properly, because you do not know what a system can really do. The CV has scrolling which looks nearly the equal of even the NES, if this is any example.


Therefore, the last CV vs. 5200 comparison is not valid, since it did not take this into account.


So- who knows what the 7800 was ultimately capable of? The Intellivision? The 5200, or the first Playstation? Only homebrewers will ever really know, evidently, and even that will take time.

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You all missed the point.


The point was that comparisons are largely pointless. You'll do who-knows-how-many hours of research, learn everything possible, organize it nicely, set it all up, the ultimate comparison- and it can be for anything, right up to the two most recent systems in existence...


And then something will come up that'll completely throw it all off.


So is there even any point in a "definitive" comparison? No matter how objective?


And how "next generation" is a system as opposed to its predecessor? It seems as though even the manufacturers don't know what they have!


Therefore, are companies putting money, effort, and resources into next-generation systems too soon?


What brought this to mind also was that last Saturday they had an electronics recycling day. You brought your old stuff down to the town garage so the area solid waste authority could take it all away. It started at 8:00 A.M.; I got there no later than about 9:30. But by then there was this BIG, BIG pile of stuff, even though I live in a sparcely populated area, and most people probably hadn't even heard of this effort in any case.


If, rather than rushing to put out a new generation of (whatever), companies worked on what was out there, there would be a good deal less trash to worry about.


So you kindly go away, marc, until you get it.

Edited by CV Gus
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