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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Things I Don't Like in Video Games


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Things I Don't Like in Video Games


  • Logo screens and cut scenes you can't skip. Sometimes they don't even have cut scenes that you have to wait through. Sometimes the characters in the game start having a long drawn out conversation and you can't move until they're done. We're here to play. If you make us wait for no good reason other than you being a frustrated 3rd rate wannabe film director, don't be surprised when thousands of gamers wish for your face to melt off.
  • Seemingly never-ending text conversation that you have to keep pressing the fire button to get through. I don't care what the princess or the evil guy that abducted her has to say. Just let me play the damn game.
  • Everything in the same place every time you play. I hate that. It's a computer program that can have more randomness than a board game, but noooo. Instead, we get a boatload of static action puzzles where every bad guy, bonus item, and bonus area is in the same place every time.
  • Memorization of 'dance steps' required to proceed. This is another thing I hate about static action puzzles. You usually have to replay one or more levels to learn certain patterns perfectly or you cannot move to higher levels.
  • Replaying one or more levels if you make a mistake. This was mentioned above, but it needs its own entry. I should not have to replay levels that I have already completed unless I want to.
  • No level select codes or ability to save your place.
  • The game will let you save, but the ability to save is part of the game. That's just F-ing stupid. We have lives. We have schedules and responsibilities. We have other things to do. We should be able to save the game right this second, not 5 or 10 or 20 minutes from now. Game designers who make saving part of the game should be carefully disemboweled and strangled with their own intestines.



Random Terrain




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