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"Crazy Atari Nerd" PENNY AUCTIONS!

Cebus Capucinis

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So last night my wife dubbed me "The Crazy Atari Nerd" because even though I just started collecting I'm, in her words, "frothing at the mouth and going WAY overboard with my hobby". We both had a good laugh about it and I was telling her about how awesome everyone I've talked to about the hobby was been! So I made a promise to myself: Every single double cart I get throughout the extent of my entire collecting career will be sold on eBay starting at a PENNY. A single penny before shipping.


Shipping will only cost fifty cents. Every cart, from the commons you see listed here to Music Machine doubles (if I ever get one of those, haha) will start at a PENNY.




That's the link to it! Hopefully this is a good idea, I'm not too sure about the commons but I thought it was a somewhat cool way to give back as much as I could to potential other collectors. I'm sad that possible ePay re-sellers will probably bid but I can't think of any realistic way to filter out people who genuinely want the carts from the ePay "boobs".


EDIT: Oh, and I know some of them probably won't sell or carts like Combat probably aren't worth even the 51c, but I want to pass on some Atari goodness.


I will probably start posting in some trade auctions once my collection gets bigger than the 90 carts I currently have.

Edited by CebusCapucinis
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You can always trade in common Atari made games towards AA store credit. ;)




Is the store open? I can't get to the link! I've been DYING to look at the wares the AA store has!


The store is currently "on vacation", Al is on the road. It will be open again soon. ;)

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Does anyone know when the AtariAge Store is scheduled to get back online? I have can't wait for it come back online so I can buy some homebrews.

It'll be back soon. Need to spend some time working on the store, which I start on in about a week.




Sweet! I'm getting all giddy just wanting to see what else is going to be new aside from the announcement already made. :cool:

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Does anyone know when the AtariAge Store is scheduled to get back online? I have can't wait for it come back online so I can buy some homebrews.

It'll be back soon. Need to spend some time working on the store, which I start on in about a week.




Sweet! I'm getting all giddy just wanting to see what else is going to be new aside from the announcement already made. :cool:


I can't wait to see the store . . . I've never seen it before :sad:



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Does anyone know when the AtariAge Store is scheduled to get back online? I have can't wait for it come back online so I can buy some homebrews.

It'll be back soon. Need to spend some time working on the store, which I start on in about a week.




Sweet! I'm getting all giddy just wanting to see what else is going to be new aside from the announcement already made. :cool:


I can't wait to see the store . . . I've never seen it before :sad:



Give it time. You will. ;)

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....and the first running of the Crazy Atari Nerd Penny Doubles is complete!


A few people got away with some penny bargains with my .50 shipping!


I noticed a few of you AA folk bid. Always great to see that!


Stay tuned for round TWO of the Crazy Atari Nerd Penny Doubles!

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Missed it this round, looking forward to the next. You had a few that I didn't have in there (atari is NOT common here).



I have around 200 carts showing up in the next week, and quite a few of them are going to be doubles, I believe! I'll post a new topic for round two, but it should be a great experience!

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