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EricDeLee's Blog - My Portable Atari 2600


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Just wanted to throw some pictures of my Atari 2600 portable on here.




The beginning.

When I made this, I wanted to make sure it didn't look like crap. I didn't want a Frankenstein looking piece of junk sitting on my shelf. I love the atari lynx, so I figured that I should try to stuff everything in there. I wish I had the original 1st attempt pictures. I had my wires way too long and the two halves would not go together. It was actually quite funny.





Some shots of the Atari Lynx membrane. I reuse this and it makes things a bit more 'authentic' for me.




The mess! This is a money shot here! I removed the control board for sound. It was taking up a lot of room. But this is the entire portable in a nutshell. First major soldering project. Not bad results.










Pics of it all put together. I am going to change the design up on the next one I do.

Instead of having the cart come out the back like it is in these pics... I was thinking of doing some bondo work and extending a portion of the Atari lynx case outwards about 1 inch. This will allow me to slide the cart in from the top into a slot... a lot like gameboys and the Atari Lynx. I think I'll have the cart stick out over the top about 1 inch. This will be so you can see what you are playing or see the artwork of the cart I suppose. Not sure, but I thought it was cool.

so the cart slot will be relocated on the next design.


Other features I want to make sure I add:

controller port-so I can play paddle games

Perhaps TV Out... not sure yet.



Rechargeable batteries within the system

If I do one with the FB2, I want a switch to play the on-board games of the FB2


Hope you enjoyed!

(Right now I am in the process of adding a different screen to this project. Hopefully it will work... but I may need a different video mod for it to work. The FB2 may come in handy for that!)



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