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atari2600land's Blog - Back to one of my various collections


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I collect a lot of different things. Lynx games. Atari 2600 games. DS games. SpongeBob related things. LPs. You should see my room. It's a mess. Anyway, another thing I collect is coins from different countries. I really don't know how it got started it's been so long. I'm guessing that I was at the coin store one day and saw these coins from different countries across the world. Well, I have 76 so far. Some are from countries that aren't even countries any more (Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia) I guess the weirdest one I have is from the Vatican City. You'd think they'd have used Italy's currency in 1963, but I guess not. It'd be interesting to see the Vatican City's mint. I think it would be interesting to be in another country some day. The only other country I've been in besides the US is my family and I went on vacation to Victoria, Canada for a few days in 1994. That's it. I don't get around much. I've never even been on an airplane. We drove there. I've been on a ferry, but not an airplane. I don't think I've ever been on a train, either. I wonder what it would be like in an airplane. I don't think I'd like it very much. I prefer to stay on the ground if at all possible. With my luck these days, if I went on a plane, it'd probably be one of the flights that cause the next 9/11. That, and my fear of heights. I can't even look down from the second story of the mall down to the first. Yes, it's that bad.



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