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Tickled_Pink's Blog - A new blog full of seriousness


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10 years ago my life was ruined by an evil, sheming, manipulative, lying, sex pest of a female and an institutionally corrupt legal system. The past 10 years have been a constant struggle with depression, PTSD and a criminal justice system which slaps the word 'victim' on the forehead of every female as soon as she grows a pair of breasts. Unfortunately far too many women are pathological lying actresses, which is one significant reason why rape convictions in the UK are at an all-time low. Juries will not believe the alleged victim in rape cases because of women like these.


After wasting my time trying to get the case dragged back into court, and with the tenth anniversary looming, I'm now giving serious thought to taking matters into my own hands. I'll use this blog to finally tell the world the truth behind what has happened and why I'm now in this position.


Like Lord Denning, one of the most celebrated judges of the 20th century, said:


"The law should provide a remedy for the abuse or misuse of power, else the oppressed will get to the point when they will stand it no longer. They will find their own remedy. There will be anarchy."


Watch this space ...



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