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Jakks Pacific Atari 10-in-1 Game System Review...

Curt Vendel

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Are those the actual games in this thing? They are all good games of course, but of all the games out there why Volley Ball, Circus Atari and Video Olympics?

I agree with you on Volleyball. But Video Olympics gets the nod for Pong (I'm guessing), and as for Circus Atari, all I can say is... have you ever played it? It is a super-addictive game! Of course, the only thing that makes it addictive is the paddle action (like in Kaboom!), so playing it adapted to work with a joystick is probably a big letdown.

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Holy Cow...


I didn't realize Curt was now a dad!  YAY!


Curt has a little Curtlet now eh? Congrats to Mr. Vendel! :D


In related news, another of our AtariAge members is about to become a father again - no it's not me, I don't even have ONE child yet. Direct your thoughts and well wishes to Bivotar. ;)

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No one here at AtariAge has posted the news yet, but my complete review of the "10-In-1" unit is posted at Back In Time.


I have also posted screen captures to show some of the issues Curt was having when he posted his review. (i.e. black lines shadowing objects & misc. graphic garbage on the screen.)

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I think the name of this thread needs to now be  


CONGRATS TO THE VENDELS!  That is great news, man!  Couldn't have happened to a better guy.  Way to go :)


What a spoiled kid that will be with all the cool toys around!




Yeah, little Madison is a pretty cute baby. She must take after her mother. :D


My fiancee & I sent Curt & Michele some baby gifts shortly after the baby was born. However, my fiancee wouldn't let me embroider the phrase "Born to play Atari" on any of the outfits. :P

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I remember some threads about this as well, It's a good idea to have paddle games seperate from joystick games, but I still don't get why they put Circus Atari, Volleyball and Olympics on there, these are, in comparison to so many other excellent games, pretty lame games.  :woozy:


How dare you! :x Circus Atari is a milestone in Atari Gaming! One of the two or three best paddle games ever to come out for the machine in my opinion. Still a bad idea to have it on though, being a joystick and all. :roll:

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I think the name of this thread needs to now be  


CONGRATS TO THE VENDELS!  That is great news, man!  Couldn't have happened to a better guy.  Way to go :)


What a spoiled kid that will be with all the cool toys around!




Thanks for all the Kudo's everyone.... the game of life certainly is the most challenging of all games, but the smiles and cute sounds she makes are certainly the bonus points making it all worth the while.... yeah, she's certainly going to have the coolest gameroom of all the kids :-)



Take care....




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Ok my $0.02 here:


1. So, how long until someone figures out how to replace those roms with their own games :D


2. When looking at the list of games which 'Atari' games would you replace the packins with? Remember you cant include any 3rd party or Activision games unless royalties are paid - Im sure the Defender series went back to Williams - soo which 'Atari' developed games would you add?


That 'joystick' 2600 has to generate some ideas for a new awesome portable 2600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok my $0.02 here:


1.  So, how long until someone figures out how to replace those roms with their own games  :D


I think that's kind of a long shot. From what I hear, the thing's electronic's are fully integrated with glop tops to top it off. :| Not to mention, as people have stated above, it doesn't look like it's using roms, but rather some kind of recreation of the games.


That 'joystick' 2600 has to generate some ideas for a new awesome portable 2600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll admit that thing looks DAMN GOOD :D I'd pick one up in a heartbeat if the games were done better. Come to think of it, I'd probably pick one up anyway for looks alone (and yeah, to check out the games for curiosity sake). :P

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That's why I put at the end: In this 128bit multi-gigbyte videogame industry, why is it no one can do a measly 8bit 128 byte video game system and its games true to form, sheeez there is a hobbyist out there right now making a 2600 on a chip, so an actual company with multi-engineer/programming resources should be doing it as well and then place the games onto it as well,




I am wondering if roadblock to doing this is the intelectual propery rights to the 6502 processor. Western Design Center owns the IP rights to the 6502 technology, and it's possible that they don't license the rights at a low enough price to make this economically feasible.



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Here's a scary thought...


What if the joystick is about as reliable as the original 2600 stick. When I was a kid, I went through those sticks like mad... and Dad just kept buying me more...


But what happens if the controller machanisms on this thing don't stand up to lots of use... eek!





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Ok my $0.02 here:


1.  So, how long until someone figures out how to replace those roms with their own games  :D  


2. When looking at the list of games which 'Atari' games would you replace the packins with?  Remember you cant include any 3rd party or Activision games unless royalties are paid - Im sure the Defender series went back to Williams - soo which 'Atari' developed games would you add?


That 'joystick' 2600 has to generate some ideas for a new awesome portable 2600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not likely... the chips are epoxy glue-blob's on the PCB (ala later Atari 2600 games....) so no one will be chipping away at those to SMD solder replacement chips onto the boards 8)




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I think that's kind of a long shot. From what I hear, the thing's electronic's are fully integrated with glop tops to top it off. :| Not to mention, as people have stated above, it doesn't look like it's using roms, but rather some kind of recreation of the games.


They are using ROM's, but they have been modified. According to an e-mail exchange I had with an engineer at JAAKS, they are using a 2600 emulator based in hardware. They are running the original ROMs, although some have been modified. JAAKS claims that all they did was adapt the paddle games for a joystick & remove the simultaneous two-player modes.


Yes, I have not opened mine up, but I understand that they put plenty of goop on the PCB.

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That 'joystick' 2600 has to generate some ideas for a new awesome portable 2600!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About a month ago, I was wondering the same thing. I was hoping that this thing could be adapted for use in projects similar to the portable VCS stuff that Ben Heckendorn is working on. It seems like the biggest obstacle he has is the time required to hack a 2600 board. My thought was to use the "10-In-1" hardware instead as it is smaller, has a better power source & the composite output he needs to the screens he is using. All that would be needed is a way to load ROM's.


Sadly, I don't think it will work.

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2. When looking at the list of games which 'Atari' games would you replace the packins with?  Remember you cant include any 3rd party or Activision games unless royalties are paid - Im sure the Defender series went back to Williams - soo which 'Atari' developed games would you add?


Doesn't Atari still have the rights to Q*Bert? Seeing as the recent remake had the Atari logo I'd say yes. This would have been on MY list.


Other purely Atari-owned properties... hmmm.... it's tough because a lot of their arcade titles were licensed too, so that leaves out Dig Dug... Actually, Dodge 'Em, Video Pinball, and Surround would have been good choices. Better than the paddle titles, in any event.

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