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Star Raiders 2 conversion?


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I was wondering if there were any limitations on the 5200 that would limit Star Raiders 2 from running. I know the cart says it requires 48k to run but it seems to run fine in a 16k Atari 400. The only fault is when you complete the game the text status screen garbles. Other than that I wonder if the controller routines from Last Starfighter could be patched in. Star Raiders 2 has some deeper game play elements as opposed to Starfighter and I think it would be a nice addition.

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I was wondering if there were any limitations on the 5200 that would limit Star Raiders 2 from running. I know the cart says it requires 48k to run but it seems to run fine in a 16k Atari 400. The only fault is when you complete the game the text status screen garbles. Other than that I wonder if the controller routines from Last Starfighter could be patched in. Star Raiders 2 has some deeper game play elements as opposed to Starfighter and I think it would be a nice addition.


There's a smaller ROM chip on A5200 but these days with banking cartridges any game on A400/A800 should be doable on A5200 except for PIA-specific stuff.

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