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im frightened by this buyer


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what should i do if he gives me bad feedback for no reason?


his feedback left for others is extremely rude and seems almost uncalled for

he won my video game system's auction and he hasn't paid yet its been two days on the 3rd im going to send him a letter but im worried he's going to give me bad feedback for bothering him and ebay isn't exactly on the sellers side :(

everything in the auction is in working order but the gamecube controller has a wiggly thumb-stick (its one of those cheap-o controllers)

ebay buyers scare me :(

im asking for a little advice to get me prepared for this because i have a feeling something bad is going to happen

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All you can do is send him the official ePay invoices until he pays. Maybe after the 3rd, you could write and politely ask if it's his intention to follow through with the transaction. In this case, almost sounds better that he doesn't. But, keep in mind that many buyers "accidentally" win and then have buyers remorse later. To that point, you can get your listing commission back by filling out an unpaid transaction form. The buyer would have to agree to that also, but most will as it relieves them of any liability. Another factor to be aware of is that many people are simply lazy, too busy or on "vacation" to promptly pay or write. In any event, I've found some people just need more time than others. That's different (and I've experienced this a lot too) though when someone wins and cannot afford their winning. Happens ALL the time with a certain generation of ePay users (ahem; Nintendo, Sega & PeeCee people). Most of the time though, they'll e-mail and explain their situation. You just have to keep up on them, else some "forget". lol


He shouldn't be leaving you negative feedback if you're polite, courteous, honest and follow common sense rules. I wouldn't worry about feedback in your case, "hounding" him to pay via their invoices is polite and professional enough. You can also follow up to negative feedback, explaining your side of the story somewhat for others to see. Lastly, feedback CAN be retracted or edited *if* afterwards, you guys end up reconciling.


Good luck and let us know how it turns out!

Edited by save2600
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IDK, it just looks like this buyer doesn't take bs practices lightly and uses the feedback system the way it should be. Looking at the first three;

He negged a seller who supposedly didn't honor his bid because it was too low. Nothing wrong or rude there. The second he negged for not sending the item. The seller claims he was never contacted, so it's a he said she said situation, however that seller also has 3 neutrals, so it's very likely the seller was in fact contacted. The third one...well, it is extremely bad form for a seller to not give a buyer positive after paying, but to then "threaten" him into leaving feedback...that's really outrageous. Deserving of a neg? Maybe not, but not totally rude.


Still, three days he should have paid already. Seems like this buyer is playing games himself. Best you can do is politely email him and hope for the best. Good luck.

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Honest Feedback is one thing.... but this guy must be jinxed because he's had an awful lot of bad experiences.

Slightly suspicious with the number of times people have 'pulled out of sales' because the item sold for too little. Once or twice maybe believable... but its happened to him like 10 times!!

I'd be scared... very scared! ;)

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