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Take 'Em To The Woodshed - Back From the Dead: "Wet" and What I've Been Up To


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I've been getting hardcore into arcade games recently. Went so far as to actually build my own supergun. I'm trying to keep the game list simple with this: I'm buying only the games that I played a lot in the arcade. So far so good, I'm learning a lot about how the different arcade systems work and how JAMMA works. For instance, I had to wire my own controllers so I could actually use it, and found out where buttons 1,2,3, and 4 (if used) are on the actual JAMMA edge on the PCB. Exciting times for me.


"Summer Carnival '93: Nexzr Special" and "Override" for the PCE came in the other day... very excited. I've been looking for "override" since I started collecting for the system, but no one seemed to have one. "Nexzr" just happened to go up at a decent price, so I had to snag that up. I used to think that the summer carnival games contained just a caravan mode, seeing as how they were made for tournaments, but if "Alzadick" is anything like "Nexzr Special", then that'll be the game to get.


I just finished "Wet" a few days ago. Although it was short on story and overall game, I never became too frustrated or bored. Overall I was extremely happy with it, and I can honestly say that it was the most fun I've had with a current-gen game since the original "Halo" on the Xbox.


I'm a HUGE fan of the grindhouse-era movies the this games models itself after. You can see the film scratches on the screen (there is an option to turn them off if it becomes too much) which get worse the more damage you take, eventually leading to the "film burn" (not too sure on the term) when you die. Every so often, the "film" would skip and stutter and lead to some message about going to the snack bar or not stealing the speakers out of the drive-in theater. I'm not too sure if they were actually shown in theaters or not, but it does add to the feel like you're watching an old exploitation double feature. A lot of reviews of this game said that the graphics don't quite live up to the potential of the system. That may be true when you compare it to the more polished look of a lot of the current titles, but I think the grapics give the game a sort of "rough around the edges" look that works well for it.


The combat system always made me feel like a badass. After a few initial fights, you start to get used to the way you jump and move and you're able to like acrobatic moves together. You can wall run, jump off the wall, go into a slide, run up another wall, jump off that wall, rebound off of an enemy, position yourself for a forward slide again (you can aim 360 degrees anytime you shoot), and finish it off with a rising slash from your sword. The game takes a page from "Ninja Gaiden" in that you can pretty much attack from any position. However, unlike "Ninja Gaiden" the moves that are available to you initially are limited until you "purchase" upgrades for your abilities and weapons.


My only gripes with this game were that it was a bit on the easy side, a little short, and the ending left me kinda flat. Other than that, this game was amazing.



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