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atari2600land's Blog - GoSub for Virtual Boy again


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I have been working on GoSub for the Virtual Boy again. I'm up to 20 levels now. It took me a very long time to get it right, but I made it so if you press Select when a game is going, it goes back to the title screen. I don't know how many levels the game will end up having, but I plan to continue adding them until I get to 2MB, and I don't know how long that would take. (8MB would take forever!) You can check the game out here. I wish I could do a cart release, but chances are slim. Thankfully, the program isn't very complex as Virtual Boy hombrew games go, the best feature I can come up with are the wall changes, and those aren't on very many levels. Right now, though, I think it's better than the first one I made for the 2600 (the graphics are better IMO, even if the only color is red).



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