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wrenchien's Blog - i should have posted this a long time ago.


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it's apparently law now that i have to state on whether i blog for corporate profit or not, and i don't. i state that i do this not for profit or for any corporate cobranding.. i did it for me. i guess there's a first for everything, but why me? why not someone else. it always seems to be me that has the need to come back every so often just to check up. as for my picure (sorry for the mess), it's just that at one time , i wanted to be atomic betty so bad i made a mask of her face and wore it. i did it out of love. i really did it at a time of my life when i thought i knew everything. but now, i realize i'm not free of the future. i don't think this is the last time you'll hear from me right now, though.



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