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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - V . . . New TV Series (I Just Heard About It)


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V . . . New TV Series (I Just Heard About It)




Although I can't stand ABC, I gave in and started watching Lost on DVD and caught the last season. Since then, I have been checking to see if ABC might have a few other good shows and it looked like FlashForward might be almost as good as Lost, so I have been watching it since the first episode. It's been pretty good so far. The flashforwards don't seem to be as long and boring as the flashbacks on Lost, so that's nice.


Anyway, I was watching FlashForward this morning on my DVR and saw a big V while fast-forwarding through the commercials. I went back to check and it was what I thought it was. A commercial for a new V TV series. I've been waiting for a new movie or TV series, but kind of gave up checking on it since it was taking so long. If you're as behind the times as I am, check out these links:











Looks like they're going for the old human mask routine instead of upgrading them to reptilian shape-shifters. If they went with shape-shifting, the resistance could find a certain light or sound frequency or chemical that would make an alien shape-shift in public. That would replace the 'face peel' from the original.





Random Terrain




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