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Don't you wish you were my friend?


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As I stated before and I'll state again. EBAY F*CKING SUCKS!!!


Sorry, needed to vent my frustration. Ebay has NO WAY OF POLICING YOU! If you want to create a bogus account in a bogus city with a bogus phone number, it is EASY TO DO!


Here is my friend's feedback page. Some suckjob scumbag just bought $2400+ worth of merchandise just to screw my buddy over. He immediately left 60+ negatives against his account and now we have to go through the process of getting reimbursed, all the lost time of posting, plus the listing fees and all this other shit. So far Ebay has not gotten back to him, but he's all about to get rid of his account and start over.


I don't know what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?





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I have to admit that what happened to your friend sucks, but it looks like your friend has made some people very angry at him. I personally have never dealt with your friend, but based on his other feedback I probably would not buy from him. Several people claim to have paid and never go their stuff. My guess is he pissed someone off so much that they decided to get even with him. Why does he have so many negatives?

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Phil man, that is truly a pain in the neck.


I don't understand why eBay still let's people register accounts without credit card verification. Yeah yeah, I know a horde of 14 year olds are gonna come screaming at me now "Bah, I can't have a credit card". Oh well, have your mom or dad register and use the account or stay away from eBay.


I hope you guys get that sorted out, the amount of negatives in a row have to show eBay that this was a bogus revenge act of some kind. They surely have the ability to remove these feedbacks and get rid of that bogus account.

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Phil man, that is truly a pain in the neck.


I don't understand why eBay still let's people register accounts without credit card verification. Yeah yeah, I know a horde of 14 year olds are gonna come screaming at me now "Bah, I can't have a credit card". Oh well, have your mom or dad register and use the account or stay away from eBay.





Well i hate to BREAK IT TO YOU!!!!!!!!


but there are some grownups that cant have credit cards either


me being one of them, i cant be trusted around them after the way i used them in the past, i payed my debt and cut up all my cards, and i refuse to get anymore, so now if i want something i make sure i have the cash to pay for it

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That is a sad situation, but I'd have to agree with mcgrail0007's comments. Obviously more than a few people have in it for your buddy based on the feedback comments regarding money they claim was sent and never acknowledged.


That being said, this is a blatent case of fraud against your friend, and I'm pretty sure EBAY will manage to do the right thing. The sad part is that even if you get this guy NARUed, they may easily be able to come back with ANOTHER id in the future and do it all again. Good Luck!

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Yes, tell me about it. I don't argue with you about the negatives he has. Most importantly is the positives he has. I figure about 1/2 of the negatives he has gotten, he has deserved. But some people leave a negative fb a little sooner than they should. First off, they don't read his auction. We put in the auction allow 1-3 weeks for delivery. Some people leave a negative after 10 days.


Hell, if that was the case, Jah Fish would have gotten a negative from me a long time ago. Where is my Thrust Plus already? :)


It's strange, but I couldn't sign up with a second account without putting in a credit card. So how the hell does this person do it?


Another thing is that feedback should not be allowed to be left until a minimum of 3 days have passed. A transaction will take at least 3 days to complete, if not an average of 1 week, since there is a shipment of product most of the time. The buyer should not be allowed to leave a fb until they actually get stiffed on the product.


The seller must wait 7 days to file a non-paying bidder alert. So why should the buyer have the right to leave a feedback immediately?


The only true alternative for my buddy is to start a brand new account where he won't be identified right away and hope that he can begin anew and keep things square with his customers. The problem he currently has is that he is running 3 stores besides doing ebay. It's getting to be too much.


Right now it looks like he will drop one of the stores by the end of the year. He is also going to establish a true Ebay base in a warehouse which looks promising. Hopefully this deal will come through. With a centralized mailing location of all items on Ebay being in this warehouse, he doesn't have to worry about things disappearing. His biggest problems are misplaced items, whether they are put on the stock room, accidently put on a shelf, left in his house, or put in another storage unit. Another problem is someone selling said item in the store and then he has nothing to ship.


Just to give you an idea of some of the negatives he has received in the past.


1. Mint sealed Mego 12" Star Trek Klingon from 1979 is sent. Buyer opens up the doll and finds the leg to be broken. Buyer wants a refund. Doesn't get it, then leaves negative.


2. Woman purchases 1 Ghostbusters suspender. Auction states 1 suspender. She wants a pair. Leaves a negative.


3. 16 days and still no merchandise. (Our response was 1-3 weeks. 16 days does not equal 21 days).


4. People claim they have made payment, but payment was never made. Though once in awhile, an envelope may get lost in the mail, or a paypal is overlooked, 99% of the time it is not our fault.


5. Item gets damaged in the mail. People want replacements or refund, though they don't pay for insurance. Now he has Airborne Express, so the first $100 is covered, but before this, people felt it was our responsibilities.


So there you have some examples. Like I said, some are justified, maybe even 1/2, but what happens is they see alot of negative fbs, and just throw one out on him like nothing. If someone has 0 -2 negative fbs on their account, the buyer will usually try extra hard before leaving the negative. It's a bad system. Though he has no problem putting a negative on the buyers. He's had people threaten him with a negative fb just because he didn't leave a positive one for the buyer. Total bullshit.


Ok, I have to get back to his auctions. :)



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