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Thinking of listing my CIBs on CTCW


On CTCW....  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Taking Best Offers so everyone has fair shot at CIBs they want and offers are transparent in the end, Good Idea?

    • Good Idea
    • I Don't Care
    • Bad Idea
  2. 2. Anyone have issues with me listing everything at $999.99 with the intention of taking Best Offers ONLY?

    • Yes (if Yes you take issue with this, please explain in a post reply, Thank you)
    • No
  3. 3. If This is a go, 10 days is the planned time to take offers, is this good too long or too short of a time period?

    • 10 day listing is TOO SHORT
    • 10 day listing is PERFECT
    • 10 day listing is TOO LONG

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Ok I have no choice but to sell something and I am starting with my 2600 CIBs (not any loose variants, my loose collection will stay intact) and I was taking offers in the marketplace but I keep getting offers for similar games so I came up with this idea and would like some feedback on it. I am possibly selling my 5200 CIBs or Loose collection if need be too. My 7800 & JAG collections at this time are going to stay intact. I have been taking offers for a few days now and invariably people are sending offers for the same games so I have been talking to Mike at CTCW about taking Best Offers but the only way to do that is to set a high Buy Price that I do not expect anyone to hit. I want to make that clear now because If I do sell these on CTCW this way, I do not want to hear Flaming BS about "OMG look at this ridiculous price" in threads that I could just imagine popping up to bash me for listing it so high. The idea is to list everything at $999.99 but REALLY only taking offers which gives everyone a fair shot to see pics of each item and make their best offer on any CIB.

Taking Best Offers will give everyone a fair shot at CIBs they want and offers will be transparent in the end for anyone that was interested in and made an offer for any game they did not get.


I set up the poll to get a feel for if people like this idea or hate the idea of how it would be run?

Please make post here if you have any comment for or against but if you are just posting to make trouble with me then please just move onto a different thread as I do not care to open up old differences or make any new ones. I have enough problems and I don't have time for flamers and responding to any of that. If you have a legitimate point to make, please do. I encourage constructive criticism of this idea and if you see some problem that I don't foresee with this process, please make me aware of it. Again I expect No one to use the BUY Now price and I will even have games I expect to fetch $50 at this price to make it a uniform process and also to save me time making listings as this will be a lot of work. I plan on doing 10 days for each. Too Long? Too Short? comment on that too please. Thanks for reading and take care -Ant

Edited by Phantom
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I think an auction style would be best suited for this. As someone who PMed you an offer, I much prefer seeing a possible price and deciding whether or not I'm willing to pay this price for a game, rather than having to pick a number to offer you with no idea of even the ball-park you are looking for.


For example, in this case I have seen two of the games I'm interested in go for $30s CIB on Ebay, but the other two I had not seen in recent memory, so I was unsure of what even to offer (and it seems I sent in way too low of an offer).


For your own sake, you'll also likely get the best price in an auction, given that you have multiple people interested in the same games. Unfortunately for me, that probably means that some of them will be out of my price range. :( ;)


Either way, good luck!


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Hey Ant,


I'm really in the same boat it doesn't matter on one way or the other.. I didn't hear too much on your games and just bought a bunch of boxed games on ebay and spent over $300.00 so you might count me out of the running! But either way keep me updated on what you do.. I'll be watching :cool:

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