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New eBay "Potential Buyer" Rant. Shame Shame


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I just recently bought two items on a bin on eBay and I have to tell ya. It's getting pretty bad when the seller is told his items weren't real, when he got his info from a potential buyer, and sells them for a pretty good loss because of it. What I think is happening is that someone is telling them they are fakes when they are in fact real in order for the seller to list them at a much much lower price instead of offering the good ( or bad. However you look at it)old side deal instead. Who ever did this, shame on you. I have done a couple of side deals (I didn't get off too cheaply either :D )before but have never stooped that low as to tell a seller that their item or items they are selling are fake and they should lower the price if they wish to sell them and tell them that they are only worth peanuts. I know this because once I got the games I asked the seller all about it. All I can say to the person who did this is that you got screwed as well cause I got your games. :P

I have nothing to hide so here is the auction for ya.




Proof of it being real is below. This is the Halloween cart. TCM has a rare double label so I am not messing with it. :D


Edited by ninermaniac
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Sorry, I'm trying to understand exactly what happened here and what you are saying....


The guy goes to a yard sale and buys these two games. He thinks they are original.

Goes to sell them on E-Bay.

Is told by someone that they are not, indeed, originals but reproductions.

The seller removes them from E-Bay due to that.

Decides that he is going to try to sell them again with the disclaimer they are not original.

You come along and are able to base on that one pic that they, are, indeed originals and buy them.

The seller is not told that someone was mistaken or lied to him about the games.


I'm not passing judgement, just curious if that chain of events is right?


Frankly, only based on that one crappy pic, I can't tell either way....

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You come along and are able to base on that one pic that they, are, indeed originals and buy them.

The seller is not told that someone was mistaken or lied to him about the games.




I took a chance on what I saw and I know that Wizard video did not have a very good label cutter and printer and the white lines are on many carts they make. When I got them in the mail I popped them open and inspected the WHITE PCB and chip and they are in fact real. I have contacted the seller asking him who and when he was told the info he got. I was just browsing newly listed items and took a chance. So I spoiled someone elses little plan. ;)

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Like I said, not passing judgement. I was just curious if I got that chain of events right.


What's the 'normal' selling price for these two games in that condition, out of curiousty?


I'm not sure if it was a 'plan'. Sounds like someone browsing the original auction on E-Bay thought it really was a reproduction and it was a honest mistake. If the person who told him this information really had a plan he would aranged a side deal, and the games never would have been re-listed on EBay for you to buy. :)

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If the person who told him this information really had a plan he would aranged a side deal, and the games never would have been re-listed on EBay for you to buy. :)


Logic says that, but you never know about the seller and what he thinks he should do. If you remember in his listing he mentions that other similar games sold for for more than what he was listing his games at. He probably did get an offer but refused and sold them based on the other Hozer auctions that were going on at the same time he was selling his. Hozers fakes sold very high if you keep up on that stuff. Speculation but what I think happened.

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It's possible some noob just thought they really were fake. If a scammer were doing it, wouldn't they then nab them cheap instead of letting you have them?



Don't know. The seller probably got a lowball offer from the "would be buyer" and the seller just probably took his word for it that they were fake and sold them based on the Hozer auctions that were going on at the same time for a price. Probably didn't tell them when he was going to list them either. I really don't know in this situation. I just know my hunch paid off. :)

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I just recently bought two items on a bin on eBay and I have to tell ya. It's getting pretty bad when the seller is told his items weren't real, when he got his info from a potential buyer, and sells them for a pretty good loss because of it. What I think is happening is that someone is telling them they are fakes when they are in fact real in order for the seller to list them at a much much lower price instead of offering the good ( or bad. However you look at it)old side deal instead. Who ever did this, shame on you. I have done a couple of side deals (I didn't get off too cheaply either :D )before but have never stooped that low as to tell a seller that their item or items they are selling are fake and they should lower the price if they wish to sell them and tell them that they are only worth peanuts. I know this because once I got the games I asked the seller all about it. All I can say to the person who did this is that you got screwed as well cause I got your games. :P

I have nothing to hide so here is the auction for ya.




Proof of it being real is below. This is the Halloween cart. TCM has a rare double label so I am not messing with it. :D


So, after following the CIB Chuckwagon thread, I just have to know: will these be going towards your porch, too?

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I just recently bought two items on a bin on eBay and I have to tell ya. It's getting pretty bad when the seller is told his items weren't real, when he got his info from a potential buyer, and sells them for a pretty good loss because of it. What I think is happening is that someone is telling them they are fakes when they are in fact real in order for the seller to list them at a much much lower price instead of offering the good ( or bad. However you look at it)old side deal instead. Who ever did this, shame on you. I have done a couple of side deals (I didn't get off too cheaply either :D )before but have never stooped that low as to tell a seller that their item or items they are selling are fake and they should lower the price if they wish to sell them and tell them that they are only worth peanuts. I know this because once I got the games I asked the seller all about it. All I can say to the person who did this is that you got screwed as well cause I got your games. :P

I have nothing to hide so here is the auction for ya.




Proof of it being real is below. This is the Halloween cart. TCM has a rare double label so I am not messing with it. :D


So, after following the CIB Chuckwagon thread, I just have to know: will these be going towards your porch, too?

Nope. My steps. (Mr. Smarty) They are mine and you can't have them. :P

On the other hand. Anything can happen.

For the right price. :D

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Well, I'll start an auction for $.01 for the answer. If any of you would like to e-mail me ahead of time and say I'll pay you a box of rice-a-roni instead and then provide the answer if I cancel the auction early, I'm more than willing to do that too.


Oh wait, does that mean I already know how side-dealing works? ;)

Edited by CebusCapucinis
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I just recently bought two items on a bin on eBay and I have to tell ya. It's getting pretty bad when the seller is told his items weren't real, when he got his info from a potential buyer, and sells them for a pretty good loss because of it. What I think is happening is that someone is telling them they are fakes when they are in fact real in order for the seller to list them at a much much lower price instead of offering the good ( or bad. However you look at it)old side deal instead. Who ever did this, shame on you. I have done a couple of side deals (I didn't get off too cheaply either :D )before but have never stooped that low as to tell a seller that their item or items they are selling are fake and they should lower the price if they wish to sell them and tell them that they are only worth peanuts. I know this because once I got the games I asked the seller all about it. All I can say to the person who did this is that you got screwed as well cause I got your games. :P

I have nothing to hide so here is the auction for ya.




Proof of it being real is below. This is the Halloween cart. TCM has a rare double label so I am not messing with it. :D


So, after following the CIB Chuckwagon thread, I just have to know: will these be going towards your porch, too?

Nope. My steps. (Mr. Smarty) They are mine and you can't have them. :P

On the other hand. Anything can happen.

For the right price. :D


Laughing here. I was just tweaking you a bit; not trying to take your games. A very nice pick up and I hope you get to hold onto these.

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Used to be you could talk a seller into ending early, relisting and setting a BIN just for you, where you were the only one authorized to bid.


eBay took that away (because the approved bidder feature was used for money laundering, officially) so now the most an interloper can do is ask for a relisting with an agreed upon BIN, if the seller is doing right by eBay and keeping it on site.


If someone else comes along in the meantime, the BIN is fair game!


Don't think this one looks like that's what happened, though, it had an opening bid available of $50, so it wasn't someone's agreed upon BIN price. Lucky find, less than a half hour after it's listed, and then real!

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Used to be you could talk a seller into ending early, relisting and setting a BIN just for you, where you were the only one authorized to bid.


eBay took that away (because the approved bidder feature was used for money laundering, officially)

Ah, I wondered what had happened to that option. I found it to be a useful feature.

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