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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Animation and Scrolling Text


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Animation and Scrolling Text


Have you ever visited a web site that seemed to have every kind of bouncing, dancing, scrolling, flipping, flopping, flapping thing that could possibly be squeezed onto the main page? Those types of sites are usually made by beginners who don't know that one of the most important things is to have their main pages load as fast as possible.


It's not too hard to understand that a ton of animated stuff on a main page can take too long to load, but that's not the only problem. An abundance of scripts, applets, and animated GIFs can make a home page look trashy. Reminds me of those creepy people who overcrowd their front yards with lawn ornaments. Many people will have less respect for a web site and the owner when the main page looks like the creator is clueless and has absolutely no common sense or discernment. Especially bad if you have a business web site.



Unnecessary Cool Stuff


The more unnecessary 'cool stuff' that's put on a page, the slower it will load. This includes falling or rising objects such as leaves or snow, lake applets, graphics or text that follows the mouse pointer around the screen (mouse trails) or special downloads that change the shape of the mouse pointer. All of that extra junk can make a web site almost unreadable and hard to navigate too. It's not hard to understand that web sites should be easy to read and easy to use.



Avoid Scrolling Text


Many beginners discover a script that allows them to put scrolling text in the status bar sooner or later. I've even been to some web sites that had scrolling text in the title bar. The title bar and the status bar should be free from any kind of animation.


Scrolling text on a page gets old really fast anyway, but to put scrolling text in the status bar or the title bar where people cannot get away from it is similar to an attack. You just gave their browser a 'mini-virus' that they cannot get rid of until they leave your web site. Don't use scrolling text anywhere if you want to keep from annoying the crap out of most of visitors.


Another idiotic thing I have seen is where the whole page automatically scrolls down on its own. Forcing people to read at the speed you decide is annoying and inconsiderate.


Most people don't like scrolling text. It's either too fast or too slow, so if it's worth reading, it's worth putting it in plain text so people can read it at whatever pace they like.



Shiny Objects


Don't be fooled by all of the web sites that claim adding tons of animated junk to your web site will add value. They know that stuff doesn't add value, but they also know that beginners like 'shiny objects' and that means more ad revenue for them.


All of that garbage may impress other beginners, your friends, and family members, but everyone else will avoid your site. That's why people shouldn't use the glowing comments in their guest books as a defense for a cluttered, slow loading web site. There are people who would rave over candy coated cat crap if they had the chance. And if you think your visitors are so shallow that they need constant change and stimulation every second to stay interested, you might be better off without them.


Yes, I know, you sigh and wonder why most people can't see things in the wonderfully creative way that only you can, but if your creativity makes it hard for people to use your web site, what good is it?


There are only 26 letters in the alphabet, but there are millions of ways to express yourself with that handful of letters. Why not think of web design guidelines in the same way? Web design guidelines are like a flexible wire frame that allows you to build whatever you want over it.


There's no law that says you need to have a hard to read, hard to use, slow loading web site to express yourself. Why not do your best to make your web site as fast and as user friendly as possible while blending your artistic vision with it to make the best experience possible for your visitors?


Respect your visitors by trying your best to:


  • Give them good content.
  • Avoid annoying them.
  • Make pages load as fast as possible.

Your visitors will appreciate it.




Random Terrain




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