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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Why We are Here


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Why We are Here



This page has adapted excerpts from the Conversations with God book series by Neale Donald Walsch. It's supposed to be God talking through the pen of Neale Donald Walsch. I have edited and combined passages from different pages, so If you want the unedited versions, read the books.


Whether or not it's true, if you want an alternative explanation for why we are here and how reincarnation is possible, read this entire page.


We come to the physical realm because we choose to. We don't have to pay for anything we've done in other lives. There is no karmic debt. We don't even voluntarily pay for what we have done in other lives. We all forgive each other and ourselves when we are outside of this big Matrix-like virtual reality game that we call the universe.





The World of the Absolute




A thing cannot exist without its opposite, except in the world of the absolute. Yet the realm of the absolute was not sufficient for either you or Me. I existed there, in the always, and it is from where you, too, have come.


In the absolute there is no experience, only knowing. Knowing is a divine state, yet the grandest joy is in being. Being is achieved only after experience....Life (as you call it) is an opportunity for you to know experientially what you already know conceptually. You need merely remember what you already know, and act on it.


~God from Conversations with God (Book 1) through Neale Donald Walsch


We choose our lives and take what comes because the physical realm (what we call life) is sort of like the ultimate virtual reality game. We can forget who we really are and 'play the game,' thinking that all of the dangers are so important and scary, and then after we die, we realize it was just a game and most of us want to come back and play again.





We Love the Drama




You can come back again and again and again. If you do get to the next step, if you do evolve to the next level, it's because you want to, not because you have to.


You don't have to do anything! If you enjoy life at this level, if you feel this is the ultimate for you, you can have this experience over and over and over again! In fact, you have had it over and over again—for exactly that reason! You love the drama. You love the pain. You love the "not knowing," the mystery, the suspense! You love it all! That's why you're here!


~God from Conversations with God (Book 1) through Neale Donald Walsch


Don't fall for the idea that we are these inferior creatures that are judged and have to reach certain levels or all is lost. We are little God 'holograms.' First there was only God, then God wanted to experience His/Her/Its greatness, so God created us and everything else. To experience the wonders of God, God made smaller pieces of Himself/Herself/Itself and these pieces can also do the same.


The person you know as you is only a small subset of a greater you and you can trace this all the way back to God. This explains how reincarnation can be true when there are more people now than ever existed. Each piece of God can keep dividing without losing anything. If God is love and we are all a part of God, then the saying really is true, "love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished."


All of these pieces of God choose to forget so that we can feel and be things that we normally couldn't if we remembered who we really are. When all of the pieces finally reach the absolute oneness with God again and all remember that we are God, the universe contracts, and it starts all over again.





The Breathing in and Out of God




Everything will quite literally, "fall into place"! And you'll have paradise again. No matter. Pure energy. In other words—Me!


[After the universe 'collapses] the whole process will start over again! There will be another so-called Big Bang, and another universe will be born.


It will expand and contract. And then it will do the same thing all over again. And again. And again. Forever and ever. World without end.


This is the breathing in and out of God.


~God from Conversations with God (Book 2) through Neale Donald Walsch (adapted)


You are bigger than you think. You are more wonderful than you realize. But your life in this game isn't as important as most people would have you believe. There is no race to a finish line. There are no losers. Everyone returns to God, but we never really left God in the first place. We just think we did.





We are all the Blanket


Did you ever watch the movie i huckabees? The movie isn't that good, but the part about 'Blanket Truth' is worth watching. You can see the 'Blanket Truth' clip here:




The idea of creation makes sense if a being always existed that had no beginning and has no end. If that being is the 'blanket' and we and everything else are protuberances in the blanket, you can start to understand that only the protuberances seem to have a beginning and an end.


Some say that there must be a better answer than 'God' for the creation of the universe. If the answer is God, people will still keep looking for alternative reasons or make up their own versions of vengeful, human-like gods as they have done many times before. No matter how hard you look, there will never be conclusive proof that God exists because that would take away your freedom to believe that there is no God.


The problem is that people keep attaching God to religion. Religion is man-made bull poopies. The desire to worship is a primitive preoccupation. A religion-free God and science are a perfect fit.





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