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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Why God Lets Bad Things Happen


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Why God Lets Bad Things Happen



This page has adapted excerpts from the Conversations with God book series by Neale Donald Walsch. It's supposed to be God talking through the pen of Neale Donald Walsch. I have edited and combined passages from different pages, so If you want the unedited versions, read the books.


Since I believe what these adapted excerpts say, I'll just let them speak for me here.





God Does not Interfere




Why does God allow any suffering at anytime? This question has been asked before, and the answer remains the same. There is perfection in the process—and all life arises out of choice. It is not appropriate to interfere with choice, nor to question it.


~God from Conversations with God (Book 1) through Neale Donald Walsch





We Must not Disown our Creations




There are no victims in the world, and no villains. And neither are you a victim of the choices of others. At some level you have all created that which you say you detest—and having created it, you have chosen it.


This is an advanced level of thinking, and it is one which all Masters reach sooner or later. For it is only when they can accept responsibility for all of it that they can achieve the power to change part of it.


So long as you entertain the notion that there is something or someone else out there "doing it" to you, you disempower yourself to do anything about it. Only when you say "I did this" can you find the power to change it.


It is much easier to change what you are doing than to change what another is doing.


The first step in changing anything is to know and accept that you have chosen it to be what it is. If you can't accept this on a personal level, agree to it through your understanding that We are all One. Seek then to create change not because a thing is wrong, but because it no longer makes an accurate

statement of Who You Are.


In the largest sense, all the "bad" things that happen are of your choosing. The mistake is not in choosing them, but in calling them bad. For in calling them bad, you call your Self bad, since you created them.


This label you cannot accept, so rather than label your Self bad, you disown your own creations. It is this intellectual and spiritual dishonesty which lets you accept a world in which conditions are as they are. If you had to accept—or even felt a deep inner sense of—personal responsibility for the

world, it would be a far different place. This would certainly be true if everyone felt responsible. That this is so patently obvious is what makes it so utterly painful,

and so poignantly ironic.


The world's natural calamities and disasters—its tornadoes and hurricanes, volcanoes and floods—its physical turmoils—are not created by you specifically. What is created by you is the degree to which these events touch your life.


Events occur in the universe which no stretch of the imagination could claim you instigated or created.


These events are created by the combined consciousness of man. All of the world, co-creating together, produces these experiences. What each of you do, individually, is move through them, deciding what, if anything, they mean to you, and Who and What You Are in relationship to them.


Thus, you create collectively, and individually, the life and times you are experiencing, for the soul purpose of evolving....


You cannot change the outer event (for that has been created by the lot of you, and you are not grown enough in your consciousness to alter individually that which has been created collectively), so you must change the inner experience. This is the road to mastery in living.


Nothing is painful in and of itself. Pain is a result of wrong thought. It is an error in thinking.


A Master can disappear the most grievous pain. In this way, the Master heals.


Pain results from a judgement you have made about a thing. Remove the judgement and the pain disappears. Judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end.


And remember you this: that which you condemn will condemn you, and that which you judge, you will one day become.


Rather, seek to change those things—or support others who are changing those things—which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who You Are.


~God from Conversations with God (Book 1) through Neale Donald Walsch





We are the Root Cause




You are all at root cause for the conditions which exist which create in the robber the desire, or the perceived need, to steal. You have all created the consciousness which makes rape possible. It is when you see in yourself that which caused the crime that you begin, at last, to heal the condition from which it sprang.


Feed your hungry, give dignity to your poor. Grant opportunity to your less fortunate. End the prejudice which keeps masses huddled and angry, with little promise of a better tomorrow. Put away your pointless taboos and restrictions upon sexual energy—rather, help others to truly understand its wonder, and to channel it properly. Do these things and you will go a long way toward ending robbery and rape forever.


~God from Conversations with God (Book 1) through Neale Donald Walsch





Group consciousness and Disharmony through Competition




Because it is My Will that you should know, and experience, Who You Are, I allow you to draw to yourself whatever event or experience you choose to create in order to do that.


Other Players in the Universal Game join you from time to time—either as Brief Encounters, Peripheral Participants, Temporary Teammates, Long-Term Inter-actors, Relatives and Family, Dearly Loved Ones, or Life Path Partners.


These souls are drawn to you by you. You are drawn to them by them. It is a mutually creative experience, expressing the choices and desires of both.


No one comes to you by accident.


There is no such thing as coincidence.


Nothing occurs at random.


Life is not a product of chance.


Events, like people, are drawn to you, by you, for your own purposes. Larger planetary experiences and developments are the result of group consciousness. They are drawn to your group as a whole as a result of the choices and desires of the group as a whole.


Group consciousness is something that is not widely understood—yet it is extremely powerful and can, if you are not careful, often overcome individual consciousness. You must always, therefore, endeavor to create group consciousness wherever you go, and with whatever you do, if you wish your larger life

experience on the planet to be harmonious.


If you are in a group whose consciousness does not reflect your own, and you are unable at this time to effectively alter the group consciousness, it is wise to leave the group, or the group could lead you. It will go where it wants to go, regardless of where you want to go.


If you cannot find a group whose consciousness matches your own, be the source of one. Others of like consciousness will be drawn to you.


Individuals and smaller groups must affect larger groups—and, ultimately, the largest group of all, which is ALL humankind—for there to be permanent and significant change on your planet.


Your world, and the condition it is in, is a reflection of the total, combined consciousness of everyone living there.


As you can see by looking around you, much work is left to be done. Unless of course, you are satisfied with your world as it is.


Surprisingly, most people are. That is why the world does not change.


Most people are satisfied with a world in which differences, not similarities, are honored, and disagreements are settled by conflict and war.


Most people are satisfied with a world in which survival is for the fittest, "might is right," competition is required, and winning is called the highest good.


If such a system happens also to produce "losers" so be it—so long as you are not among them.


Most people are satisfied, even though such a model produces people who are often killed when they are judged "wrong," starved and rendered homeless when they are "losers," oppressed and exploited when they are not "strong."


Most people define "wrong" as that which is different from them. Religious differences, in particular, are not tolerated, nor are many social, economic, or cultural differences.


Exploitation of the underclass is justified by the self-congratulatory pronouncements from the upper class of how much better off their victims are now than they were before these exploitations. By this measure the upper class can ignore the issue of how all people ought to be treated if one were being truly fair, rather than merely making a horrible situation a tiny bit better and profiting obscenely in the bargain.


Most people laugh when one suggests any kind of system other than the one currently in place, saying that behaviors such as competing and killing and the "victor taking the spoils" are what makes their civilization great! Most people even think there is no other natural way to be, that it is

the nature of humans to behave in this manner, and that to act any other way would kill the inner spirit that drives man to succeed. (No one asks the question, "Succeed

at what?")


Difficult as it is for truly enlightened beings to understand, most people on your planet believe in this philosophy, and that is why most people don't care about the suffering masses, the oppression of minorities, the anger of the underclass, or the survival needs of anyone but themselves and their

immediate families.


Most people do not see that they are destroying their Earth—the very planet which gives them Life—because their actions seek only to enhance their quality of life. Amazingly, they are not far-sighted enough to observe that short-term gains can produce long-term losses, and often do—and will.


Most people are threatened by group consciousness, a concept such as the collective good, a one-world overview, or a God who exists in unity with all creation, rather than separate from it.


This fear of anything leading to unification and your planet's glorification of All That Separates produce division, disharmony, discord—yet you do not seem to have the ability even to learn from your own experience, and so you continue your behaviors, with the same results.


The inability to experience the suffering of another as one's own is what allows such suffering to continue.


Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality.


The events which occur on your planet—which have occurred regularly for 3,000 years—are, as I've said, a reflection of the Collective Consciousness of "your group" the whole group on your planet.


That level of consciousness could best be described as primitive.


~God from Conversations with God (Book 2) through Neale Donald Walsch (adapted)




Random Terrain




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