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Damn Bootleg Games from Hong Kong ALL over eBay..


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As a collector of games, I want nothing but the best of games for my systems, and the best quality of those games. I would NEVER willingly buy a bootleg game.

Now the fact that there are millions of bootleg gameboy/advance games out there does not bother me so much, as the games still work fine.. however, eBay has become FLOODED with bootlegged NDS games.


The thing about these Bootleg Nintendo DS games, is that they DO NOT work in the DSi, so im sure hundreds of unsuspecting folk are buying games for themselves or their kids, who now own the DSi, that dont understand that these are copied games from Hong Kong, just to receive a game that wont work in their system. This is an outrage!


And what further disgusts me, is even when I filter my search results through advanced search, I STILL get shit from Hong Kong, see this. Read how deceptive it is:




US vendors are buying shit games from Hong Kong, and reselling, or distributing for them.

OK, so bootleg has become a problem, and this stretches MUCH farther than selling those "10-in-1 TV game" systems.


You cannot trust buying games off the internet, from anywhere, because even the person selling the product may not know that they are selling the knock off. Its ridiculous.


Next time you are on eBay, take down information, report auctions, and notify Nintendo of particular sellers. Enough complaints from pissed of buyers and concerned consumers should at least put pressure on some of these vendors and at best reduce the amount of garbage on the market.

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The only thing that seems to give it away as not being original is the case. It looks like a jewel case.


I have also noticed that the angled corner of the label is slightly more rounded on the bootleg versions of DS games.


Its really a shame. Its one thing to have bootleg famicom games, but a system that is still in its prime, and has dozens of unsuspecting buyer probably very frustrated, not to mention someone is banking mad money off of this..


I would assume Nintendo already is aware of this. I wonder how there are so many eBay vendors then, that sell this junk.

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I'm amazed that Nintendo isn't all over these auctions--it would be absolutely trivial for them to get them shut down using the VeRO program.





They might be sitting back enjoying this. Just think.


A buyer wanting to save money looks on ebay and buys a brand new copy of the game for less than retail. They get it and it does not work. It might be the last time they buy a game on eBay period as even the new games don't work.


The Hong Kong sellers aren't really competing with the new retailers they are competing with the used sellers. In 99% of the cases on eBay Nintendo makes no money on ebay sales. Bootleg new or legit used it is all the same to Nintendo.

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I'm amazed that Nintendo isn't all over these auctions--it would be absolutely trivial for them to get them shut down using the VeRO program.





They might be sitting back enjoying this. Just think.


A buyer wanting to save money looks on ebay and buys a brand new copy of the game for less than retail. They get it and it does not work. It might be the last time they buy a game on eBay period as even the new games don't work.


The Hong Kong sellers aren't really competing with the new retailers they are competing with the used sellers. In 99% of the cases on eBay Nintendo makes no money on ebay sales. Bootleg new or legit used it is all the same to Nintendo.




I doubt that. Nintendo knows as well as you and I that the average consumer has no knowledge of bootlegs. If the product doesn't work, the average consumer is more likely to blame Nintendo, rather than think that the game was a fake. Boootlegs probably hurt nintendo's image far great than and increase in new sales they'd get from an educated consumer.

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I'm amazed that Nintendo isn't all over these auctions--it would be absolutely trivial for them to get them shut down using the VeRO program.





They might be sitting back enjoying this. Just think.


A buyer wanting to save money looks on ebay and buys a brand new copy of the game for less than retail. They get it and it does not work. It might be the last time they buy a game on eBay period as even the new games don't work.


The Hong Kong sellers aren't really competing with the new retailers they are competing with the used sellers. In 99% of the cases on eBay Nintendo makes no money on ebay sales. Bootleg new or legit used it is all the same to Nintendo.




I doubt that. Nintendo knows as well as you and I that the average consumer has no knowledge of bootlegs. If the product doesn't work, the average consumer is more likely to blame Nintendo, rather than think that the game was a fake. Boootlegs probably hurt nintendo's image far great than and increase in new sales they'd get from an educated consumer.


I've had customers swear up and down they will never use eBay because the one time they did the game was a bootleg. Most times it is a Pokemon game.


Nintendo and Mario are like crack. Even if they did get a bad one from Nintendo what are going to do? Go out and buy a PSPGo? Hardly

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