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atari2600land's Blog - Fun is fun


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I got a notice from the people who make Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. It seems like they weren't too happy with me putting the final episode on my YouTube site, so YouTube disabled it. And since they disabled it, what would be the point of me having it there, so I deleted them. It was in 4 parts and was by far the most popular videos on the site. Part 4 got over 13,000 views. But that didn't let me damper my spirits (although I am boycotting that stupid show. I don't care how nice Mr. Rogers seemed, his lawyers are a bunch of greedy a**holes who care too much that some guy in Oregon is NOT making money by having the final episode on YouTube.) Well, anyway, I got 16 hours worth of "classic" commercials for $5. I watched one hour so far, there are a whole bunch of old interesting cigarette commercials. I also got the complete Honeymooners series for a bargain (apparently half the MSRP!) at Best Buy. So far I watched "The Golfer", the only Honeymooners episode on TV Land's Top 100 episode list in the book "TV Land To Go", written long before they quit airing classic TV and put stupid recent shows like Roseanne on (who would sit and watch Roseanne for 3 hours?). There were some pretty funny moments (like Art Carney addressing the golf ball "Helloooo, ball!"), and apparently there is an episode with Captain Video on it, I recognize the name from a big huge TV encyclopedia filled with prime-time TV shows. It has the prime-time schedules of the networks from 1946-2002. I suppose there is a more recent book.



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