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atari2600land's Blog - Virtual Boy!


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I bought 3D Tetris for Virtual Boy yesterday. It will be a while until it comes, so I am waiting for it anxiously. Until then, I am busy working on GoSub for the Virtual Boy. It wasn't fun sitting there for three hours trying to make the collision detection work right, but once it did, boy was I happy. And so I added level 25. I am having a hard time trying to decide whether to keep the select screen option in (right now, if you press "Select" at the title screen ("W" in the Reality Boy emulator), it will take you to a screen where you can select any level you want by pressing left or right and then start to start on that level. I will put in something extra if you complete all the levels starting at level 1. This will not be viewable if you start at level 2, just level 1. I think this will end up being a 1MB game. I think I will put in 50 levels (if I can design that many!) So, once again I am having fun with the Virtual Boy. I played a little bit of Elevators Amiss for the 2600, too; as well as Mario Kart DS. I think I'll play some Mario Kart 64 tonight. I haven't played that in a while.



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