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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Inter-Tubing


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So many YouTube videos... so little time.


So I thought I'd help sort through a few that are worth watching, to save you the trouble.


First up, animation:


Insane cardboard animation:



Insaner bunny animation:


(A making-of video is available



Animating with sheep. No, I'm not kidding. This one even features Pong!



A poignant story, featuring bubblewrap:



One of my

, meets "Weird Al" Yankovic!




And now, a message from our sponsors:


A classic commercial from my childhood. I still remember the alternate lyrics my sister and I made up for this... over 40 years ago:


"McDonald's is your kind of place

With hamburgers in your face

And french fries up you nose

And pickles between your tose

The last time that I went there

They stole my underwear

McDonald's is your kind of place!"


Hey whaddaya want... I was three. ;)



A brief musical interlude:


One of the all-time great recordings of the 60's, and the best cover of "Summertime" ever. (Ignore the silly cowboy hat.)




And finally... three very funny Tron parodies:











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