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HSC Season 7 Week 10: Megamania


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lol, mine knows that unless someone's dying either I will try to multi task or I will ignore her after a few seconds of multitasking. It's a short enough game that I'll get back to her. That applies when I'm playing a game that doesn't pause. This has happened in online matches where a couple seconds' distraction can end your game.


It really doesn't happen often, though. Lots of times if I can't pause and she wants to chat for whatever reason, I'll boot the game back up later. But, I get that once in a while of 60 to 90 minutes of uninterrupted game play, too.

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Zero, I love your work for HSC and don't want to sound like an ungrateful kvetcher, but why are we playing this game for the third time instead of different games? Are you low on suggestions or does this one get requested a lot?

Well, I don't usually like re-playing games, but there are new people joining all the time, so from time to time I don't mind rehashing ones that everyone likes. At least, I was under the impression that this was one of those games that everyone liked. I never liked it myself, but I figured I was in the minority... just like how I don't like Demon Attack or Atlantis (I'm a huge fan of Imagic, but I just never liked these two).


Besides, while I prefer to see obscure and rare games played here, they just don't draw as much of a crowd, so I try to mix in some popular and common games to round things out.



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I'm glad to see this game, since I wasn't around the first couple of times. This wasn't a game that I played in my youth. To be honest, would not really give it a serious try, if it wasn't on HSC. Getting me angry (in a good way).

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I'm glad you chose it, Ze_ro. But then again it's one of the very few games I can actually roll the score on. :D I used to play the crap out of this growing up -- spent hours shooting space burgers. Glad to know I'm not getting Alzheimers and can still play it just as well :D

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I remember a few weeks back i set my own personal score. 106,700. Thank god DSi's have cameras, because my regular camera had gone missing (later, it was found). I could never get nearly as high as that. Oh well.


This image was taken from my DSi.


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If you can pass the fourth mega cycle, you can roll it. 150,000 should be past that fourth cycle.


I enjoy this game, but in small quantities. It's one of those I break out to play once in a blue moon, really. That's why I haven't tried to roll it again with all six ships in reserve.

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