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atari2600land's Blog - Game Boy Color


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I found my Game Boy Color. It was hiding from me. I knew where the games for it were. I only have 5 games for it. They are DKC, Wario Land 3, Dr. Evil: Welcome To My Underground Lair, Mario Golf and Super Mario Bros. DX. I would really like to have Shantae, after reading the article about the DS remake in this month's NP. I would like to have a DSi and be able to download games, too, but if I had a DSi, I probably wouldn't be able to figure out how to get it online. I don't know how to get my Wii online. I remember when game systems DIDN'T have online capabilities and you had to buy each game at a store. This is the way it should remain. I would hate to have a PSP, because they don't sell new games in the gaming stores any more. Well, anyway, I want some more GBC games. I'll see if I can get any I want at the used game store this weekend.



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