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atari2600land's Blog - Game Boy Color: The Ultimate Site


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Well, it isn't the ultimate site quite yet. What is up now is 5 reviews and some NP issue scans: most notably, the 6-page launch article in November 1998's issue. I'll look through more old NP issues to see if I can find anything of note about the GBC. I also have two Playback articles: one on Metal Gear Solid and one on Shantae, as well as NP's top picks of the 20 best GB/GBC titles in their 20th anniversary issue. I'll be adding way more to this site as time goes on, probably the most updates being to the NP scans section, because there's a ton of GBC-era NP issues in the pantry. So, you want to see it? click here to go to it. Enjoy, and if you have anything to add, like a scan or review or something, please don't hesitate to PM me or e-mail me with reviews, info, and the like.



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