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HSC Season 7 Week 11: Texas Chainsaw Massacre


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Important Note: This weeks competition is over and no further scores will be accepted.


The game which you are about to play is an account of the tragedy which befell a group of five youths, in particular Sally Hardesty and her invalid brother, Franklin. It is all the more tragic in that they were young. But, had they lived very, very long lives, they could not have expected nor would they have wished to see as much of the mad and macabre as they were to see that day. For them an idyllic summer afternoon drive became a nightmare. The events of that day were to lead to the discovery of one of the most bizarre crimes in the annals of American history, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.




Game Information
  • Game Name: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Released By: Wizard, 1983
  • Left Difficulty: N/A
  • Right Difficulty: N/A
  • Game Mode: Default
  • Chosen By: Leatherface

Post your scores right here in this thread, and I will add them to the list. Remember to play the game with the recommended game mode and difficulty settings as shown above so that your scores will be consistent with everyone elses. The deadline for posting scores is Wednesday November 4th at 1:00 AM (CST).


Current High Scores
  1. 33,000 (darthkur) [+11]
  2. 29,000 (toymailman) [+10]
  3. 21,000 (CebusCapucinis) [+9]
  4. 18,000 (vjames) [+8]
    18,000 (Zoyx) [+8]
  5. 14,000 (roadrunner) [+7]
    14,000 (aftermac) [+7]

Best Tips
  • CebusCapucinis [+2]

  • None yet

TwinGalaxies Top 3
  1. 34,000 (Mike K Morrow) (Emulator)
  2. 23,000 (Troy Whelan, Rudy J Ferretti)
  3. 22,000 (Robert T Mruczek)
(Game 1, Difficulty B)
Current Standings
  1. Coming Soon!


Scoring Points in The Texa Chainsaw Massacre
  • Murder Someone - 1000 points
  • Extra fuel is awarded every 5000 points


Hints and Tips

The Manual


As always, you really should read the manual. In case you don't have a copy of it, AtariAge has a typed copy available online. Unfortunately, it doesn't provide any specific hints, but it explains what you're supposed to be doing in the game!




On the higher levels (when objects move much faster, especially after 20k) I travel to the left. Leatherface is not centered and is actually more to the right of the screen. This gives me more time to react to obsticles.

On the beginning levels (especially under 10k) I move to the right as Leatherface is closer to the victims that will come out. Therefore, it takes a bit less time to reach them and save precious fuel.




To single-rev a victim, you don't have to press the button when you're close. They will switch spots once or twice in an attempt to run away, but when your un-revved chainsaw's pixel is right on top of the very edge of the victim, then you can rev as they are close enough to not get away. This will result in a kill rather than wasted fuel. Revving before the pixels are lined up exactly is simply a waste of fuel, because the victim is planned to get away that time.


Also remember that you don't have to rev through the body when you hit something or kill a victim. You merely stand there, doing nothing, until it disappears. Pressing the joystick or fire button causes you to lose fuel during that time, so after you've hit something or scored a kill, do absolutely nothing until it disappears as this will put the fuel only on the timer rather than performing an activity that drains fuel faster.



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[*]I don't know! Figure out the scoring, and if I use your explanation here, you get 2 bonus points!



The answer is: no scoring in this game!


We should play another game (I am not happy about this..), maybe BEAMRIDER?


...but I get 2 bonus points!

Edited by Mister VCS
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Dammit, and here I thought I had a vaguely Halloween themed game that was a bit of a sleeper.


Well, I still want to do something for the occasion... and we already played Halloween, so that leaves only one option: Texas Chainsaw Massacre.



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My new best.





This felt like a near perfect game. There is a small element of luck involved in this game in hoping victims come out frequently and not too far off where Leatherface is on the screen (less up and down movement needed). There also seems to be a bit of randomness thrown in as to when you will score a successful kill versus the victim swapping sides. That world record of 34k has got to be a near error free game (no wasted fuel in killing victims) and good luck in getting freqent victims without dodging too much.



On the higher levels (when objects move much faster, especially after 20k) I travel to the left. Leatherface is not centered and is actually more to the right of the screen. This gives me more time to react to obsticles.

On the beginning levels (especially under 10k) I move to the right as Leatherface is closer to the victims that will come out. Therefore, it takes a bit less time to reach them and save precious fuel.

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EDIT: Played again with the camera, and managed to get a better score!





To single-rev a victim, you don't have to press the button when you're close. They will switch spots once or twice in an attempt to run away, but when your un-revved chainsaw's pixel is right on top of the very edge of the victim, then you can rev as they are close enough to not get away. This will result in a kill rather than wasted fuel. Revving before the pixels are lined up exactly is simply a waste of fuel, because the victim is planned to get away that time.


Also remember that you don't have to rev through the body when you hit something or kill a victim. You merely stand there, doing nothing, until it disappears. Pressing the joystick or fire button causes you to lose fuel during that time, so after you've hit something or scored a kill, do absolutely nothing until it disappears as this will put the fuel only on the timer rather than performing an activity that drains fuel faster.


Holy crap it gets crazy fast at 20,000 points.

Edited by CebusCapucinis
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Great score darthkur!




Thanks. I've gotten so close to catching that one last victim that would push me over to 30k and a gas bonus.


There is a small element of luck involved in this game in hoping victims come out frequently and not too far off where Leatherface is on the screen (less up and down movement needed). There also seems to be a bit of randomness thrown in as to when you will score a successful kill versus the victim swapping sides.



My thoughts exactly. Some games you'll have one target after the other but then there's ones where you'll walk a ways until you run into anyone.

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